The recent discussion on NAS/SAN and the Thecus N8800 got me to thinking.
Bit of background. I have an old Dual Athlon MP2800+ that I'm using for a home web/file server. It runs fine but between the noise of the various fans and it's location in the living room, I've been asked by my spouse to find a replacement for it that's smaller & quieter. Looking at the Thecus, and based on experience with Atom based Mini-ITX systems at work, I was thinking about rolling my own.
My questions is, for a small home server that runs apache/php/mysql and Samba, how well do the Mini-ITX boards like the VIA C3/7 & Intel Atoms handle this sort of task? I've used VIA systems as MythTV frontends but never as file/web servers. I'd expect they'd do fine for home use but I've never tried.
Drew wrote:
The recent discussion on NAS/SAN and the Thecus N8800 got me to thinking.
Bit of background. I have an old Dual Athlon MP2800+ that I'm using for a home web/file server. It runs fine but between the noise of the various fans and it's location in the living room, I've been asked by my spouse to find a replacement for it that's smaller & quieter. Looking at the Thecus, and based on experience with Atom based Mini-ITX systems at work, I was thinking about rolling my own.
My questions is, for a small home server that runs apache/php/mysql and Samba, how well do the Mini-ITX boards like the VIA C3/7 & Intel Atoms handle this sort of task? I've used VIA systems as MythTV frontends but never as file/web servers. I'd expect they'd do fine for home use but I've never tried.
I looked at doing the same thing. I have an old Athlon XP ~ 1800 MHZ at home, made noise, pumped a lot of heat into the closet. Sure, itx would be low power and smaller, but the pieces parts seemed quite pricey to me and what I had worked fine. So I cranked the cpu speed down in the bios to 700 MHZ, lowered the cpu voltage, switched the case fans to run off 5v. Still runs apache, samba, firewall, dhcpd, etc. without a hitch. Never noticed the slowdown in normal activities.
Dual processor board? Try removing one cpu to cut down on power.
Drew schrieb:
The recent discussion on NAS/SAN and the Thecus N8800 got me to thinking.
Bit of background. I have an old Dual Athlon MP2800+ that I'm using for a home web/file server. It runs fine but between the noise of the various fans and it's location in the living room, I've been asked by my spouse to find a replacement for it that's smaller & quieter. Looking at the Thecus, and based on experience with Atom based Mini-ITX systems at work, I was thinking about rolling my own.
My questions is, for a small home server that runs apache/php/mysql and Samba, how well do the Mini-ITX boards like the VIA C3/7 & Intel Atoms handle this sort of task? I've used VIA systems as MythTV frontends but never as file/web servers. I'd expect they'd do fine for home use but I've never tried.
You could buy one of those new MacMini servers ;-)
SCNR ;-)
The question I ask myself is: do I really need a home-server? How much shared data do I have anyway? And is it really "data" or just pictures, movies, MP3s?
What exactly does the home-server do that couldn't be done on the clients connected to it, once they are running?
cheers, Rainer
What exactly does the home-server do that couldn't be done on the clients connected to it, once they are running?
Run Linux 24/7. :-)
For what I do with my PC it's far safer to store my files on a seperate machine. I tend to tweak linux a lot (I run Gentoo) so breakage is a regular thing. I've learned through the last few crashes that backups and storing files off the PC are the best way to keep my spouse, and therefore me, happy. For some reason she gets mad when our photo collection isn't accessible on the media box. :-)
Drew wrote:
My questions is, for a small home server that runs apache/php/mysql and Samba, how well do the Mini-ITX boards like the VIA C3/7 & Intel Atoms handle this sort of task? I've used VIA systems as MythTV frontends but never as file/web servers. I'd expect they'd do fine for home use but I've never tried.
I run FreeNAS, which is ZFS file server, apache+php but no database, and with Bittorrent continuously running, on an Intel Mini ITX motherboard, the single core Intel 280 (or 270? forgot) with the 2 GB RAM. CPU Utilization rarely reach 50%. Only goes to 60% when I am running Unison over SSH. And the RAM usage is around 60% from 2GB with full Bittorrent access. The only bad thing about the this Intel Atom motherboard is that it only have 2 port SATA. Thus I need to install Sil3114 4 port SATA to drive the other 4 disks. Now my system is running 6 SATA disks and booted from an PATA Compact Flash. Since I used up the only PCI slot for the SATA card, I must be happy with its onboard 100BaseT network.
Therefore, I think for your requirement, the Intel Atom are just fine. You may go to the dual core Atom 330 with Gigabit Ethernet since the price difference is negligible.