Can anyone tell me if there exists an rpm for netcdf-3.6.0-p1 for Centos x86-64? Also, are there any details of what was used to compile it, i.e., ifort, pgf, g77, etc. I'm looking for a version compiled with ifort...
On Sep 14, 2005, at 11:42 AM, Sam Drinkard wrote:
Can anyone tell me if there exists an rpm for netcdf-3.6.0-p1 for Centos x86-64? Also, are there any details of what was used to compile it, i.e., ifort, pgf, g77, etc. I'm looking for a version compiled with ifort...
-- Snowman
I see netcdf version 3.6.0-3.p1 for x86_64 at the kbsingh-CentOS- Extras repo (
# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/kbsingh-CentOS-Extra.repo [kbs-CentOS-Extras] name=CentOS.Karan.Org-EL$releasever - Stable gpgcheck=1 gpgkey= enabled=1 baseurl=$releasever/extras/stable/$basearch/ RPMS/ # Need a ftp mirror ? uncomment the line below, & disable the one above # baseurl=$releasever/extras/stable/ $basearch/RPMS/
Can't answer how it was built though.
Tony Schreiner Boston College
Thanks Tony,
I almost missed your reply due to the excessive noise level that is just about to run me off. I'm sick and tired of seeing the never-ending thread about yum and all the pissing contests going back and forth. Perhaps I can run down the builder and find out what it was built with.
On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 14:40 -0400, Sam Drinkard wrote:
Thanks Tony,
I almost missed your reply due to the excessive noise level that is
just about to run me off. I'm sick and tired of seeing the never-ending thread about yum and all the pissing contests going back and forth. Perhaps I can run down the builder and find out what it was built with.
You can also snag the SRPM, unpack it, and look at the spec file/patches to see what they are doing.
Had not thought of that, but I did look at the build log, and found out what I needed to know. It was not built with any Intel compiler, only the g77 as default. Shame......
Sam Drinkard wrote:
Had not thought of that, but I did look at the build log, and found out what I needed to know. It was not built with any Intel compiler, only the g77 as default. Shame......
errr... why in the world would I want to build a single package using a specific compiler which isnt even included in the distro ? ( and what are the licensing terms on intel's compiler ? -> reply to me off list )
the srpm is there, feel free to snag and build as you please. Ensure the Licensing terms are met and bob's your uncle.
- K