Hello, I will use CentOS 4.4 and Hylafax to build an fax server. But when call /sbin/capiinit I only get the error: ERROR: cannot load module kernelcapi I have build and install the kernel module for my friz card. What must I do to get this working?
Frank Büttner schrieb:
Hello, I will use CentOS 4.4 and Hylafax to build an fax server. But when call /sbin/capiinit I only get the error: ERROR: cannot load module kernelcapi I have build and install the kernel module for my friz card.
You mean the proprietary kernel module from AVM which is only distributed as binary module?
I had problems with it when using it with CentOS 4.2 I think. Finally, I compiled my own kernel from kernel.org and that worked fine. AFAIK this was a bug in the binary module (<irony>who would expect a bug in closed source software - never seen that before!</irony>) which was fixed (AFAIK!) some months later. However, I stopped using the binary driver as it did not work as stable as I liked. So I can't (am not willing to) help you with this closed source software.
A last hint: To get a more helpful error message, try inserting the kernel module with insmod.
After play some time it seem now to work. The first play to modify the make file of the AVM module then build the capi4k-utils package and now capiinit will work:)
This must be changed in the make file of the kernel Module(I found it in the CentOS forum): What you have to do is correct src/Makefile in Fritz drivers: FROM: EXTRA_CFLAGS += -D__$(CARD)__ -DTARGET="$(CARD)" TO: EXTRA_CFLAGS += -O0 -D__$(CARD)__ -DTARGET="$(CARD)" Recompile and no more Ooops!!!