Hello all
I'm new to RHEL/CentOS so I'm wondering what repositories people add/enable to get all the extras they want? Especially multimedia stuff. I tried to enable [contrib] but that didn't seem to be available (yet). I then added rpmforge and atrpms which seem to work. However I've read that atrpms may wreak havoc on my installation; is it best to keep it disabled? What about rpmforge? I found something called kbs-CentOS-Misc as well but it was not available.
So, what repositories do you suggest for a workstation type of installation?
Johnny Ljunggren
Johnny Ljunggren wrote:
So, what repositories do you suggest for a workstation type of installation?
Follow the guide on the wiki dealing with exactly this question.
I've personally never had any issues with RPMForge, KBS-Extras, or Atrpms. Just follow the guides for setting up ProtectBase and/or other Yum plugins protections, such as yum-plugin-priorites and you'll be fine.
I've installed many packages on production servers and workstations from the mentioned repos, and never had any issues. But still, use things carefully.
Regards, Max