CentOs 5.1 updated with Gnome as desktop. I notice that after a reboot some applications reappear mysteriously. It seems that the last application that was closed *before* reboot reappears. For instance I had gedit appearing for some time, opened with a blank "unknown document". Now I'm getting the hardware manager/soundcard section opened on the desktop each time I reboot because that was the last application I had open *and* closed a few reboots ago. I haven't tried many other applications as I do not use many. Applications that do not behave like this are terminal and the file manager. They appear like normal on the screen if they were open before the reboot. The only oddity about them is that if two of them were open only one reappears and terminal never opens on the position it was before. That may be a shortcoming of the Gnome window manager. But the other applications reappearing in that way seems odd.