please notice that at this url
that there might actually be some misrepresentation of others based upon what i have read in this thread.... or the other... i deleted all my messages and had to cut and past the subject from the online archive... sorry.
ummmmm it is Fedora Core and not Fedora Linux right?
or am i missing something?
im trying to understand..... does Red Hat have a license to say "Linux" and CentOS does not so that Red Hat can say Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Red Hat Linux X.x and CentOS is just a distribution that has linux in it or???
i know i am somewhat confused. anyone?
- rh
-- Robert Hanson Abba Communications
Robert Hanson wrote:
ummmmm it is Fedora Core and not Fedora Linux right?
or am i missing something?
Some people refer to it as Fedora Linux. Books, articles, etc... It is and has always been, Fedora Core from Red Hat.
Previously, before the Red Hat assumed control of the trademark, the Fedora Project at the University of Hawaii was sometimes called Fedora Linux. But not since mid-2003 when Red Hat took it over.
im trying to understand..... does Red Hat have a license to say "Linux"
I'm sure for Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) that Red Hat(R) will most likely license the Linux(R) trademark.
I'm sure Red Hat could probably extend a sublicense to the Fedora(TM) Project as well, but since a major reason of the project was designed to minimize many legal issues (even if under the umbrella of Red Hat), I'm sure that's why they made many, careful considerations when coming up with Fedora(TM) Core, Extras, Legacy, etc...
-- Bryan
Disclaimer: I do not and have never worked for Red Hat.
On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 12:02 -0700, Robert Hanson wrote:
please notice that at this url
that there might actually be some misrepresentation of others based upon what i have read in this thread.... or the other... i deleted all my messages and had to cut and past the subject from the online archive... sorry.
ummmmm it is Fedora Core and not Fedora Linux right?
or am i missing something?
im trying to understand..... does Red Hat have a license to say "Linux" and CentOS does not so that Red Hat can say Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Red Hat Linux X.x and CentOS is just a distribution that has linux in it or???
i know i am somewhat confused. anyone?
- rh
CentOS does not have Linux (R) in it's name (because we don't have permission to use that Trademark in our name, and since it costs $5000 we won't be adding to our name anytime soon) and CentOS is not in any way affiliated with Fedora Core, The Fedora Project, or Red Hat (R), Inc.
CentOS does not contain Red Hat (R) Linux (R), Red Hat (R) Enterprise Linux (R) or Fedora Core.
CentOS is built from publicly available open source SRPMS.
Hopefully that clears up any questions anyone might have.
} Johnny Hughes wrote: } CentOS does not have Linux (R) in it's name (because we don't have } permission to use that Trademark in our name, and since it costs $5000 } we won't be adding to our name anytime soon) and CentOS is not in any } way affiliated with Fedora Core, The Fedora Project, or Red Hat (R), } Inc. } } CentOS does not contain Red Hat (R) Linux (R), Red Hat (R) Enterprise } Linux (R) or Fedora Core. } } CentOS is built from publicly available open source SRPMS. } } Hopefully that clears up any questions anyone might have. }
understood :-) i think... :)
what i meant was, at this url
it says "Fedora Linux"...
maybe that needs to be changed. and i thought i saw something else. sheesh huh? ;)
sorry, sometimes i am a great proofreader if i understand what could be right and/or wrong... if i gain and/or use the knowledge and wisdom i have been given.
having dealt with so much contract, legal, and various policy and procedure _language_ over the years has fried some circuits and i am almost too much a perfectionist at times and so i have a tendency to waste cpu cycles... ;->
please forgive me. :-)
- rh
-- Robert Hanson Abba Communications
On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 13:02 -0700, Robert Hanson wrote:
} Johnny Hughes wrote: } CentOS does not have Linux (R) in it's name (because we don't have } permission to use that Trademark in our name, and since it costs $5000 } we won't be adding to our name anytime soon) and CentOS is not in any } way affiliated with Fedora Core, The Fedora Project, or Red Hat (R), } Inc. } } CentOS does not contain Red Hat (R) Linux (R), Red Hat (R) Enterprise } Linux (R) or Fedora Core. } } CentOS is built from publicly available open source SRPMS. } } Hopefully that clears up any questions anyone might have. }
understood :-) i think... :)
what i meant was, at this url
it says "Fedora Linux"...
maybe that needs to be changed. and i thought i saw something else. sheesh huh? ;)
sorry, sometimes i am a great proofreader if i understand what could be right and/or wrong... if i gain and/or use the knowledge and wisdom i have been given.
having dealt with so much contract, legal, and various policy and procedure _language_ over the years has fried some circuits and i am almost too much a perfectionist at times and so i have a tendency to waste cpu cycles... ;->
please forgive me. :-)
No Problem ... that page has been adjusted slightly ... take a look now :)
} from: Johnny Hughes } } No Problem ... that page has been adjusted slightly ... take a look } now :) }
it has a lil error when viewing in *gasp* MSIE...
CentOS-x is NOT Red HatR Linux, it is NOT Fedora&trade Core. It is NOT Red HatR Enterprise Linux. It is NOT RHEL.
what a pain i am huh? ;->
- rh
-- Robert Hanson Abba Communications
worth a read
Johnny Hughes wrote:
On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 12:02 -0700, Robert Hanson wrote:
please notice that at this url
that there might actually be some misrepresentation of others based upon what i have read in this thread.... or the other... i deleted all my messages and had to cut and past the subject from the online archive... sorry.
ummmmm it is Fedora Core and not Fedora Linux right?
or am i missing something?
im trying to understand..... does Red Hat have a license to say "Linux" and CentOS does not so that Red Hat can say Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Red Hat Linux X.x and CentOS is just a distribution that has linux in it or???
i know i am somewhat confused. anyone?
- rh
CentOS does not have Linux (R) in it's name (because we don't have permission to use that Trademark in our name, and since it costs $5000 we won't be adding to our name anytime soon) and CentOS is not in any way affiliated with Fedora Core, The Fedora Project, or Red Hat (R), Inc.
CentOS does not contain Red Hat (R) Linux (R), Red Hat (R) Enterprise Linux (R) or Fedora Core.
CentOS is built from publicly available open source SRPMS.
Hopefully that clears up any questions anyone might have.
CentOS mailing list
Peter Farrow wrote:
worth a read
Worth a read?
Sorry, couldn't resist. ;-> [ I'll shut up now. ;-]
oops :-P
Bryan J. Smith wrote:
Peter Farrow wrote:
worth a read
Worth a read?
Sorry, couldn't resist. ;-> [ I'll shut up now. ;-]