Well, it seems this just isn't my day. Using the source RPM from a centos mirror, I tried to rebuild (and, after that fails) build manually a dovecot RPM. I get several errors about automake's iconv macro, AM_ICONV, missing, and then the install fails while looking for libiconv. I tested by first trying to rebuild the RPM, and when that failed, building the RPM manually by installing in sources and building, and when THAT failed, by unpacking the tarball and manually ./configure and make.
Thanks to some googling around, I found that libiconv is a GNU package that's available in source, but that should generally be satisfied in glibc according to postings on the redhat mailing list. However... well, it seems that it isn't. Either that, or it's settled by a specific version of glibc, which I don't have in my glibc-2.3.4-2 ... and yes, I do have -common, -devel, -headers, -kernheaders, etc. installed for i686. I do have iconv.h on my system, but dovecot is specifically looking for libiconv. Anyone seen this before?
Thanks, Karl Katzke