Hi CentOS community Friends,
It is CentOS 6.2 x86_64 machine, i have upgraded few packages using "yum -y update", after the reboot machine does not show login screen, i have allowed enough time to show the screen that are about 2 hours. booting process does complete, it just hangs when it is about to show the screen. i tried to check by doing ssh for warring/error logs. nothing serious was there. but when i did the ssh to the server then i saw the following error. Prior to the upgrade machine was just okay.. )
MacBook-Pro:~ prabhpal$ ssh -l mike mailer@'s password: -bash: /dev/null: Permission denied -bash: /dev/null: Permission denied -bash: /dev/null: Permission denied -bash: /dev/null: Permission denied -bash: /dev/null: Permission denied -bash: /dev/null: Permission denied
Thanks / Nath