In the most polite way possible, could someone please update the CentOS community regards the release schedule for CentOS 6?
The last official announcement I could find was on the Twitter account:
/"We should have news, along with a release plan, for CentOS-6 in the next few days"/!/CentOS/status/60108149021097984
Posted on April 18th.
It is now May 3rd; that last message was posted more than two weeks ago.
On a related note, less than a month prior was this comment:
/"What I will try : make sure there is plenty of info via this twitter account. Apologies for dropping the ball a bit on that front recently"/!/CentOS/status/50891373703995392
Posted March 24, 2011.
We all realized the CentOS developers are busy and respect their hard work.
I hope however it is not unreasonable to ask for more timely updates and information regards the status of releases, especially as one week from today will mark six months since RHEL 6 was released (on November 10 2010).
On Tuesday, May 03, 2011 02:57 PM, Steve Castellotti wrote:
Have you been following things lately or not?
They are now QA the installers. If you so cannot wait, go hit SL or RH.
On 05/03/2011 02:26 AM, Christopher Chan wrote:
Have you been following things lately or not?
If I missed an update or announcement I apologize.
I check the @CentOS twitter feed several times per day.
I lurk in the #centos, #centos-devel, #centos-qa, and #centos-social IRC chat rooms regularly.
I checked the centos and centos-devel mailing list archives for any information since the last twitter update (and several weeks prior) before composing my email.
Is there some other resource I should include in my daily sweeps seeking information? I am trying to remain as low-impact as possible on the developer community, but without hearing anything two weeks after that last twitter update promised more information in "the new few days" it seemed the best next step would be to submit the question to this list.
They are now QA the installers.
Thank you.
If you so cannot wait, go hit SL or RH.
I believe I can wait for the release but knowing the difference between one month, three months, or another six months would have an impact. I am only seeking updated information or knowledge of a means to pursue that information directly.
On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 12:50 AM, Steve Castellotti wrote:
I check the @CentOS twitter feed several times per day.
I lurk in the #centos, #centos-devel, #centos-qa, and #centos-social IRC chat rooms regularly.
I checked the centos and centos-devel mailing list archives for any information since the last twitter update (and several weeks prior) before composing my email.
Is there some other resource I should include in my daily sweeps seeking information?
Forum Announcement is yet another place you may want to check:
The latest (post #9) says:
"What I can tell you, as a result of my recent communication with Karanbir, is that the last few packages are now being worked on and it is hoped that both trees (32- and 64-bit) will be with the QA team by about 10th May. Please remember, any date mentioned is just an estimate and is not set in stone."
On Tue, May 03, 2011 at 12:59:03AM -0700, Akemi Yagi wrote:
Forum Announcement is yet another place you may want to check:
Forums, mailing lists, twitter feeds...
Enough is enough.
Can we _please_ consolidate such status updates, the few times they appear, at _one_ location? People should not have to play guessing games as to where status updates may or may not appear, nor should they have to be checking a minimum of 3 sources to locate such information.
Having a single location would be a great boon and would allow us to point people to one "official" location when the inevitable questions on releases come up.
Sorry, Akemi - this really isn't in direct reply to you, but to the thread in general :)
On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 9:12 AM, John R. Dennison wrote:
On Tue, May 03, 2011 at 12:59:03AM -0700, Akemi Yagi wrote:
Forum Announcement is yet another place you may want to check:
Forums, mailing lists, twitter feeds...
Enough is enough.
Can we _please_ consolidate such status updates, the few times they appear, at _one_ location? People should not have to play guessing games as to where status updates may or may not appear, nor should they have to be checking a minimum of 3 sources to locate such information.
Having a single location would be a great boon and would allow us to point people to one "official" location when the inevitable questions on releases come up.
+1 wrote:
On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 9:12 AM, John R. Dennison wrote:
On Tue, May 03, 2011 at 12:59:03AM -0700, Akemi Yagi wrote:
Forum Announcement is yet another place you may want to check:
Forums, mailing lists, twitter feeds...
Enough is enough.
Can we _please_ consolidate such status updates, the few times they appear, at _one_ location? People should not have to play guessing games as to where status updates may or may not appear, nor should they have to be checking a minimum of 3 sources to locate such information.
Having a single location would be a great boon and would allow us to point people to one "official" location when the inevitable questions on releases come up.
+1 And it's not asking too much that the CentOS team post *here* the information for which they KNOW we're waiting with bated breath; meaning *here on this list as well as on their many other locations*, including forums I don't have access to on a regular basis.
Insert spiffy .sig here: Life is complex: it has both real and imaginary parts.
//me ******************************************************************* This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept for the presence of computer viruses. - Hubbell Incorporated**
On 05/03/2011 08:15 AM, Brunner, Brian T. wrote: wrote:
On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 9:12 AM, John R. Dennison wrote:
On Tue, May 03, 2011 at 12:59:03AM -0700, Akemi Yagi wrote:
Forum Announcement is yet another place you may want to check:
Forums, mailing lists, twitter feeds...
Enough is enough.
Can we _please_ consolidate such status updates, the few times they appear, at _one_ location? People should not have to play guessing games as to where status updates may or may not appear, nor should they have to be checking a minimum of 3 sources to locate such information.
Having a single location would be a great boon and would allow us to point people to one "official" location when the inevitable questions on releases come up.
+1 And it's not asking too much that the CentOS team post *here* the information for which they KNOW we're waiting with bated breath; meaning *here on this list as well as on their many other locations*, including forums I don't have access to on a regular basis.
And the people who do not have access to their e-mail want the twitter updated so they can read it on their cell phones.
And the people who like forums want that updated.
etc, etc.
Look, we have "NO IDEA" when everything is going to be done on CentOS 6. Anyone telling you anything else is give you an estimate, based on prior experience. The problem is, if we knew how to fix the particular problems that we have, then they would already be fixed.
Every time we (the CentOS Team) post on this list, it leads to a huge thread with same detractors looking to post bad things about the CentOS team. Then the same "CentOS Fanbois" come to our rescue. Then I (Johnny Hughes) post something tell people who want to use CentOS to use it and for people who don't want to use it to use something else. Then we start a huge flamewar that greatly increases the noise to signal ratio of this list. Lets see if we can avoid that on this thread.
We will release CentOS 6 to QA as soon as we get it finished. We will move it to the servers as soon as the QA team agrees that it works as we intend it to. We have no earthly idea when that will be until we get a valid tree (which we do not have yet). Once we have a valid tree, we then must get a valid "distribution build" (that is ... take a valid tree and produce valid install images).
Since we have never gotten a good "distribution build" for CentOS 6, we have no idea what "quirks" that will require us to work around. We have had to make major changes to anaconda for each of the last 3 or 4 releases to make them work (especially CentOS-5). These changes are rolled into our anaconda SRPMS (you can look at the patches there if interested), but the issues are usually quite a pain to work around and we KNOW in detail how the C4 and C5 anaconda works. We are not nearly as familiar with the C6 distro build facilities and what might be required to work around any issues we find with that. So, any estimates that we give hinge on our ability to get the distro to build correctly with the "as released" upstream code. That has been problematic for at least the last 3 releases of CentOS-5 and also CentOS 4.7 and 4.8.
Karanbir has a goal of getting the 6.0 tree to the QA team by the 10th of May. Whether or not we can meet that, I have no idea. I can post to this list on the 10th if we miss getting the tree to QA. wrote:
Enough is enough.
Can we _please_ consolidate such status updates, the few times they appear, at _one_ location? People should not have to play guessing games as to where status updates may or may not appear, nor should they have to be checking a minimum of 3 sources to locate such information.
Having a single location would be a great boon and would allow us to point people to one "official" location when the inevitable questions on releases come up.
+1 And it's not asking too much that the CentOS team post *here* the information for which they KNOW we're waiting with bated breath; meaning *here on this list as well as on their many other locations*, including forums I don't have access to on a regular basis.
And the people who do not have access to their e-mail want the twitter updated so they can read it on their cell phones.
And the people who like forums want that updated.
etc, etc.
Look, we have "NO IDEA" when everything is going to be done on CentOS 6.
Not the issue at all here.
We will release CentOS 6 to QA as soon as we get it finished.
This is all that's expected. ...along with the update being posted in the expected places...
Insert spiffy .sig here: Life is complex: it has both real and imaginary parts.
//me ******************************************************************* This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept for the presence of computer viruses. - Hubbell Incorporated**
On 03/05/11 23:42, Johnny Hughes wrote:
Every time we (the CentOS Team) post on this list, it leads to a huge thread with same detractors looking to post bad things about the CentOS team. Then the same "CentOS Fanbois" come to our rescue. Then I (Johnny Hughes) post something tell people who want to use CentOS to use it and for people who don't want to use it to use something else. Then we start a huge flamewar that greatly increases the noise to signal ratio of this list. Lets see if we can avoid that on this thread.
That reminds me of the movie '50 First Dates' ;)
Ciao, Ak.
On 03/05/11 09:12, John R. Dennison wrote:
On Tue, May 03, 2011 at 12:59:03AM -0700, Akemi Yagi wrote:
Forum Announcement is yet another place you may want to check:
Forums, mailing lists, twitter feeds...
Enough is enough.
Can we _please_ consolidate such status updates, the few times they appear, at _one_ location? People should not have to play guessing games as to where status updates may or may not appear, nor should they have to be checking a minimum of 3 sources to locate such information.
Erm, I thought that's exactly what Alan was doing - on the forums. He pulls all the information together and posts it in that thread. I'm sure we've had this discussion before.
John R. Dennison wrote on 05/03/2011 04:12 AM: ...
Having a single location would be a great boon and would allow us to point people to one "official" location when the inevitable questions on releases come up.
I will leave it to core team members to comment on how "official" it is, but the "CentOS Announcements" link is available from the menu bar at the top of the home page or from any Forum page. It points to content that is updated frequently.
On Tue, May 03, 2011 at 05:53:23AM -0400, Phil Schaffner wrote:
I will leave it to core team members to comment on how "official" it is, but the "CentOS Announcements" link is available from the menu bar at the top of the home page or from any Forum page. It points to content that is updated frequently.
This would be fine if it was inclusive of all bits of information from the sources I mentioned. Simple case in point was the centos twitter blurb from 4/18/2010 or if it includes the most recent centos twitter from a short time ago.
People want to see this type of information, no matter how trivial it may appear; there wouldn't be 7,406 followers if not. This is what I meant in my previous reply; to get all this information they need to follow twitter _and_ the announcement forum thread _and_ the mailing list. Perhaps the new website design will permit better data funneling but right now that's not available.
If it all goes to the forum thread, that would be fine.
On 05/03/2011 02:59 AM, Akemi Yagi wrote:
Forum Announcement is yet another place you may want to check:
The latest (post #9) says:
"What I can tell you, as a result of my recent communication with Karanbir, is that the last few packages are now being worked on and it is hoped that both trees (32- and 64-bit) will be with the QA team by about 10th May. Please remember, any date mentioned is just an estimate and is not set in stone."
Ah excellent, thank you.
I hadn't considered the web forums.
May 10th for reaching QA sounds reasonably like release might land in the 1-3 month than 3-6 month range which is in line with our needs.
Again thank you for the quick response - even if one wouldn't mind more consistent and frequent "official" updates!
On 05/03/2011 07:57 AM, Steve Castellotti wrote:
/"We should have news, along with a release plan, for CentOS-6 in the next few days"/
There is a plan, of sorts. I wanted to make sure the QA guys had a few days to mull it over before making it public. And then there was the rather nice and long holiday weekends here in the UK. 10th is the first target, with a release couple of weeks later. We have a potential release date to work against from there on.
- KB
There is a plan, of sorts. I wanted to make sure the QA guys had a few days to mull it over before making it public. And then there was the rather nice and long holiday weekends here in the UK. 10th is the first target, with a release couple of weeks later. We have a potential release date to work against from there on.
- KB
yeah yeah...
we saw ya on the tele having pints and checking out Pippa...
- rh
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists@...> writes:
On 05/03/2011 07:57 AM, Steve Castellotti wrote:
/"We should have news, along with a release plan, for CentOS-6 in the next few days"/
There is a plan, of sorts. I wanted to make sure the QA guys had a few days to mull it over before making it public. And then there was the rather nice and long holiday weekends here in the UK. 10th is the first target, with a release couple of weeks later. We have a potential release date to work against from there on.
- KB
Thank you, KB. I think that this sort of "back of the envelop" estimate is all quite a few of us have been asking for. We know it's not written in stone and any hard deadline planning that relies on it is a fool's errand. On the other hand, it gives us a "it probably won't happen sooner than" date to work with.
Any chance you can throw one of these out say once a week? DO NOT spend more than one minute longer than just typing the e-mail to come up with the estimate.
Thanks again.
Cheers, Dave
On Tue, 3 May 2011, David G. Miller wrote:
Thank you, KB. I think that this sort of "back of the envelop" estimate is all quite a few of us have been asking for. We know it's not written in stone and any hard deadline planning that relies on it is a fool's errand. On the other hand, it gives us a "it probably won't happen sooner than" date to work with.
Well said!
On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 5:56 PM, David G. Miller wrote:
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists@...> writes:
On 05/03/2011 07:57 AM, Steve Castellotti wrote:
/"We should have news, along with a release plan, for CentOS-6 in the next few days"/
There is a plan, of sorts. I wanted to make sure the QA guys had a few days to mull it over before making it public. And then there was the rather nice and long holiday weekends here in the UK. 10th is the first target, with a release couple of weeks later. We have a potential release date to work against from there on.
- KB
Thank you, KB. I think that this sort of "back of the envelop" estimate is all quite a few of us have been asking for. We know it's not written in stone and any hard deadline planning that relies on it is a fool's errand. On the other hand, it gives us a "it probably won't happen sooner than" date to work with.
Any chance you can throw one of these out say once a week? DO NOT spend more than one minute longer than just typing the e-mail to come up with the estimate.
Thanks again.
Cheers, Dave