Now, storing email in a database might be a controversial idea. I can definitely see at the same time some advantages, but also some disadvantages. However, for an IMAP server that essentially is used only by two people, I don't think the database per se can be a problem.
What's the controversy? Think Exchange, Domino, Groupwise.
Anybody here using DBMail? Any success stories? Horror stories? "Meh"
If I do end up using it, most likely I'll use ver 2.2.5 (available in
the EPEL repo) with CentOS 5, probably with a MySQL backend (but I'm not sure yet, SQLite might be another option).
1-2 years ago I migrated away from Maildir files to DBMail using MySQL. My goals was primarily stability. With replicated database servers and separating the frontend from the backend, I gained reliability and flexibility.
This wasn't for user accounts (Exchange handled those), but for dedicated addresses related to products. Another server process typically POP'd the messages.
Generally it worked great. There's a bit of setup and testing involved, but overall I was quite happy with it. There's a web admin interface that works pretty well also.