Dear All,
I'm replacing an older OpenSuse server with a new Centos6.4 server. So far that goes ok, except that the OpenSuse server is also a samba server with ldap connection.
Since I replaced all but 2 machines in the building from Windows to Linux, I was hoping not to install Samba on the new server. ( And also because I can't get it to work on Centos. )
I saw a post on the mailinglist some time ago about Windows and Nfs, but find that Nfs is supported on Win7 Ultimate but not on Professional edition. I apologise if another way was mentioned in this post and I missed it.
I googled and tried Omni-Nfs, but could not get a connection working.
I installed TightVnc on Windows and that connects ok to the Centos server, but shared clipboard does not work.
Can anyone point met to a useful solution to enable file sharing to Win7 Pro without Samba?
Many thanks.
greetings, J.
On 29.07.2013 11:14, Johan Vermeulen wrote:
Can anyone point met to a useful solution to enable file sharing to Win7 Pro without Samba?
FTP? AFAIK one can add an FTP account as a "drive" in Windows.
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 11:34:06AM +0100, Nux! wrote:
FTP? AFAIK one can add an FTP account as a "drive" in Windows.
Or he could just fix his configs so it actually works right. There is no issue with file sharing from a CentOS server to win7 desktops.
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 5:37 AM, John R. Dennison wrote:
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 11:34:06AM +0100, Nux! wrote:
FTP? AFAIK one can add an FTP account as a "drive" in Windows.
Or he could just fix his configs so it actually works right. There is no issue with file sharing from a CentOS server to win7 desktops.
Yes, samba should work fine - you've probably copied over some mismatching config. But, if you just need an occasional file copy either way and can get by without disk mapping, winscp is easy for windows users and only needs ssh running on the linux side.
Op 02-08-13 18:13, Les Mikesell schreef:
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 5:37 AM, John R. Dennison wrote:
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 11:34:06AM +0100, Nux! wrote:
FTP? AFAIK one can add an FTP account as a "drive" in Windows.
Or he could just fix his configs so it actually works right. There is no issue with file sharing from a CentOS server to win7 desktops.
Yes, samba should work fine - you've probably copied over some mismatching config. But, if you just need an occasional file copy either way and can get by without disk mapping, winscp is easy for windows users and only needs ssh running on the linux side.
Hello Kevin and Les,
I have every confidence Samba will work on Centos6. But as i mentioned, since only 2 windows users are involved, ....
It's more than than copying files. I will implement the ftp-server-solution tonight. And I will try to test the other suggestions as well.
As a sidenote: I'm running my biggest migration to Centos so far as I'm typing this, I'm excited and hopeful it will run ok. I'm also sweating peanuts, not because I'm nervous ( I know Centos will do the trick ) but because it's +35 ° in Belgium and I have no air-conditioning.
greetings, J.
________________________________ From: Les Mikesell To: CentOS mailing list Sent: Friday, August 2, 2013 9:13 AM Subject: Re: [CentOS] howto avoid Samba
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 5:37 AM, John R. Dennison wrote:
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 11:34:06AM +0100, Nux! wrote:
FTP? AFAIK one can add an FTP account as a "drive" in Windows.
Or he could just fix his configs so it actually works right. There is no issue with file sharing from a CentOS server to win7 desktops.
There exists a nifty tool called SFTP-Drive. It will map a drive letter in Windows to an SSH connection:
Free version:
Supported version:
On 8/2/2013 9:13 AM, Les Mikesell wrote:
Yes, samba should work fine - you've probably copied over some mismatching config. But, if you just need an occasional file copy either way and can get by without disk mapping, winscp is easy for windows users and only needs ssh running on the linux side.
indeed, winscp is what I have most of my windows users using for occasional file transfer.
Op 29-07-13 12:34, Nux! schreef:
On 29.07.2013 11:14, Johan Vermeulen wrote:
Can anyone point met to a useful solution to enable file sharing to Win7 Pro without Samba?
FTP? AFAIK one can add an FTP account as a "drive" in Windows.
thank you very much for the advise. FTP is what I was looking fore.
Greetings, J.
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 5:31 PM, Johan Vermeulen wrote:
Op 29-07-13 12:34, Nux! schreef:
On 29.07.2013 11:14, Johan Vermeulen wrote:
Can anyone point met to a useful solution to enable file sharing to
Will help?
Just a hunch sideways.
Nfsaxe will let you add NFS client support to Windows
On 29 July 2013 11:14, Johan Vermeulen wrote:
Dear All,
I'm replacing an older OpenSuse server with a new Centos6.4 server. So far that goes ok, except that the OpenSuse server is also a samba server with ldap connection.
Since I replaced all but 2 machines in the building from Windows to Linux, I was hoping not to install Samba on the new server. ( And also because I can't get it to work on Centos. )
I saw a post on the mailinglist some time ago about Windows and Nfs, but find that Nfs is supported on Win7 Ultimate but not on Professional edition. I apologise if another way was mentioned in this post and I missed it.
I googled and tried Omni-Nfs, but could not get a connection working.
I installed TightVnc on Windows and that connects ok to the Centos server, but shared clipboard does not work.
Can anyone point met to a useful solution to enable file sharing to Win7 Pro without Samba?
Many thanks.
greetings, J.
-- Johan Vermeulen IT-medewerker Caw De Kempen Opensource Software is the future.
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