From: Les Mikesell
If your favorite choice is accepting a contract that imposes limits on where you can install free software that itself has a license that says additional restrictions cannot be imposed, then by all means pick RHEL.
Or SuSE Linux Enterprise Server, Novell Linux Desktop, etc...
And there are plenty of other distros that prevent redistribution for reasons for select packages, trademarks, etc... Red Hat is not the only one, although I don't always see people recognizing this.
It's just like the age-old IBM v. Microsoft problem. People seem to stand by one or the other, not realizing the other is no better. ;-> And there are more choices ou there than deciding to hate 1 of 2.
Les, we get it. You don't like Red Hat. As someone who lacks tact myself, I'm fairly good at noticing others with the same problem. ;->
And even *I* said vote CentOS if you prefer it. This vote doesn't look like about awarding credit. Of course, if you like SLAs, even if you normally can't afford them, then I'd vote RHEL (or SLES/NLD).
-- Bryan J. Smith