Hello there and SFME.
Since el6 subversion package doesn't contain traditional SysV demonization script anymore I wonder how it is supposed to run svnserve from now on.
1) Should one write init script to be managed with service(8) on his own? 2) Or launch svnserve on demand via (x)inetd? 3) Or put svnserve command line in some rc-script? 4) Or maybe is ra_svn deployment scheme not supported in el6 at all and one should stick with Apache/mod_dav_svn?
Thanks d.a.
On Aug 25, 2011, at 2:44 AM, Andrew Dorozhkin wrote:
Hello there and SFME.
Since el6 subversion package doesn't contain traditional SysV demonization script anymore I wonder how it is supposed to run svnserve from now on.
- Should one write init script to be managed with service(8) on his own?
- Or launch svnserve on demand via (x)inetd?
- Or put svnserve command line in some rc-script?
- Or maybe is ra_svn deployment scheme not supported in el6 at all and one
should stick with Apache/mod_dav_svn?
---- subversion transports via local file system, ssh or http - there never was a sysv script to start it because there was never any service to start.
On 8/25/2011 4:46 PM, Craig White wrote:
On Aug 25, 2011, at 2:44 AM, Andrew Dorozhkin wrote:
Hello there and SFME.
Since el6 subversion package doesn't contain traditional SysV demonization script anymore I wonder how it is supposed to run svnserve from now on.
- Should one write init script to be managed with service(8) on his own?
- Or launch svnserve on demand via (x)inetd?
- Or put svnserve command line in some rc-script?
- Or maybe is ra_svn deployment scheme not supported in el6 at all and one
should stick with Apache/mod_dav_svn?
subversion transports via local file system, ssh or http - there never was a sysv script to start it because there was never any service to start.
Yes there is if you run a standalone svnserve, not started by ssh.
The 5.x RPM includes: /etc/rc.d/init.d/svnserve
On Aug 25, 2011, at 3:06 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:
On 8/25/2011 4:46 PM, Craig White wrote:
On Aug 25, 2011, at 2:44 AM, Andrew Dorozhkin wrote:
Hello there and SFME.
Since el6 subversion package doesn't contain traditional SysV demonization script anymore I wonder how it is supposed to run svnserve from now on.
- Should one write init script to be managed with service(8) on his own?
- Or launch svnserve on demand via (x)inetd?
- Or put svnserve command line in some rc-script?
- Or maybe is ra_svn deployment scheme not supported in el6 at all and one
should stick with Apache/mod_dav_svn?
subversion transports via local file system, ssh or http - there never was a sysv script to start it because there was never any service to start.
Yes there is if you run a standalone svnserve, not started by ssh.
The 5.x RPM includes: /etc/rc.d/init.d/svnserve
---- ah - never installed or used it - simply used the ssh/http/file transports I guess - seemed to be enough.
26.08.2011 2:13, Craig White wrote:
ah - never installed or used it - simply used the ssh/http/file transports I guess - seemed to be enough.
Indeed, I really forgot to mention ssh-tunneling in the op-post.
But I like"classic" svn:// access scheme with per-repo configuration and artificial user accounts stored in $REPO/conf/svnserve.conf most of all, so I have configured svnserve to be spawned on demand by xinetd already and it works well.
Even though there is not an actual problem to make svnserve up and running in 6.x I am still concerned about possible reasons which lead to svnserve-as-daemon abandonment as of 6.0.