All, I use a code which has a python (I use python36) wrapper loading shared libraries. The code worked fine in RHEL 7 but as I was testing it on Centos 8, python cannot import the shared library (the import is done via dlopen with flags set as
sys.setdlopenflags(os.RTLD_LAZY | os.RTLD_GLOBAL)
python then does a bunch of imports and most results in a shared library with indefined symbols. Somthing like:
from .w3dpy import * ImportError: /usr/local/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/warp/
undefined symbol: multigridxyf2_
The codes works fine on Scientific Linux 7 but had the same problem as above on fedora 31. I suspect something changed in the way dlopen is handled on newer linux version but cannot figure out how the code should be modified...
Thank you for any help. All the best, -- Philippe.