Noted that xterm by default uses 24 lines per window.
I have reviewed /etc/termcap looking for a specific entry for xterm that I can edit to change the ln#24 to ln#25 for our application.
When I used RedHat there was an editable option to change the number of displayable lines as is done in putty.
Any suggestions?
Hal Davison wrote, On 02/04/2011 05:33 PM:
Noted that xterm by default uses 24 lines per window.
I have reviewed /etc/termcap looking for a specific entry for xterm that I can edit to change the ln#24 to ln#25 for our application.
When I used RedHat there was an editable option to change the number of displayable lines as is done in putty.
Any suggestions?
find the info in man about size. man xterm /geometry /geometry and /geometry /geometry
On Fri, Feb 04, 2011, Hal Davison wrote:
Noted that xterm by default uses 24 lines per window.
I have reviewed /etc/termcap looking for a specific entry for xterm that I can edit to change the ln#24 to ln#25 for our application.
When I used RedHat there was an editable option to change the number of displayable lines as is done in putty.
At the command line: 'xterm -geometry 80x25'.
On 2/4/2011 5:57 PM, Bill Campbell wrote:
On Fri, Feb 04, 2011, Hal Davison wrote:
Noted that xterm by default uses 24 lines per window.
I have reviewed /etc/termcap looking for a specific entry for xterm that I can edit to change the ln#24 to ln#25 for our application.
When I used RedHat there was an editable option to change the number of displayable lines as is done in putty.
At the command line: 'xterm -geometry 80x25'.
Thanks Bill will attempt you suggestion and reply..
On Fri, 4 Feb 2011, Hal Davison wrote:
Noted that xterm by default uses 24 lines per window.
I have reviewed /etc/termcap looking for a specific entry for xterm that I can edit to change the ln#24 to ln#25 for our application.
Text-mode applications should get their screen size from the terminal settings, i.e. directly from the kernel, unless that information is missing. If you run 'xterm -geometry 80x25' you get a terminal that has the size you're looking for. The 'stty -a' command will show the actual dimensions, btw.
Editing the geometry in termcap/terminfo will not do anything unless you use a real serial port to connect to your system, xterm et. al. will override it.
On Fri, 4 Feb 2011, Hal Davison wrote:
Noted that xterm by default uses 24 lines per window.
I have reviewed /etc/termcap looking for a specific entry for xterm that I can edit to change the ln#24 to ln#25 for our application.
When I used RedHat there was an editable option to change the number of displayable lines as is done in putty.
That's usually done by setting xterm's geometry resource. (changing the termcap won't have the desired effect)