Hi all,
I need to setup a real bare minimum CentOS Virtual Machine, but with normal internet / network access. i.e. I need SSH, Mutt, Links, lynx, ping, tracert, dig, iptables, etc.
Does anyone know where (if?) I can get a list of applications which gets installed with CentOS 6 if every option is deselected in the installer so that I can see what I can remove which isn't really necessary once installed?
on 8/9/2011 3:10 PM Rudi Ahlers spake the following:
Hi all,
I need to setup a real bare minimum CentOS Virtual Machine, but with normal internet / network access. i.e. I need SSH, Mutt, Links, lynx, ping, tracert, dig, iptables, etc.
Does anyone know where (if?) I can get a list of applications which gets installed with CentOS 6 if every option is deselected in the installer so that I can see what I can remove which isn't really necessary once installed?
I think they are creating a minimal install CD image, if they haven't already released it.
On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 12:16 AM, Scott Silva ssilva@sgvwater.com wrote:
on 8/9/2011 3:10 PM Rudi Ahlers spake the following:
Hi all,
I need to setup a real bare minimum CentOS Virtual Machine, but with normal internet / network access. i.e. I need SSH, Mutt, Links, lynx, ping, tracert, dig, iptables, etc.
Does anyone know where (if?) I can get a list of applications which gets installed with CentOS 6 if every option is deselected in the installer so that I can see what I can remove which isn't really necessary once installed?
I think they are creating a minimal install CD image, if they haven't already released it.
Well, I setup CentOS 6 using the netinstall ISO, but want to know if there are still packages which I don't need and can remove
on 8/9/2011 3:17 PM Rudi Ahlers spake the following:
On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 12:16 AM, Scott Silvassilva@sgvwater.com wrote:
on 8/9/2011 3:10 PM Rudi Ahlers spake the following:
Hi all,
I need to setup a real bare minimum CentOS Virtual Machine, but with normal internet / network access. i.e. I need SSH, Mutt, Links, lynx, ping, tracert, dig, iptables, etc.
Does anyone know where (if?) I can get a list of applications which gets installed with CentOS 6 if every option is deselected in the installer so that I can see what I can remove which isn't really necessary once installed?
I think they are creating a minimal install CD image, if they haven't already released it.
Well, I setup CentOS 6 using the netinstall ISO, but want to know if there are still packages which I don't need and can remove
We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of CentOS-6.0/minimal for i386 and x86_64 Architectures.
The minimal install iso media is an alternative install to the main CentOS-6.0 distribution and comes with a trimmed down, preselected rpm list. However, it still runs off the standard installer, with all the regular features that one would expect from the main distribution, except the rpm selection screen has been disabled. Running an install from this media will not allow you to change the rpms selected for install.
Release Notes for this media can be found at : http://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOSMinimalCD6.0
Hello Rudi,
On Wed, 2011-08-10 at 00:17 +0200, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
Well, I setup CentOS 6 using the netinstall ISO, but want to know if there are still packages which I don't need and can remove
Do a minimal install then # rpm -qa | sort or # cat /var/log/rpmpkgs then # rpm -e <unwanted package>
rpm -e will not remove any package that has dependencies on it.
But you better add the extra packages you need (f.e. things like mc and system-config*) before you start pruning, as they might pull back in a lot of the stuff you might think about taking out (most notably perl).
Regards, Leonard.
On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 08:32:40AM +0200, Leonard den Ottolander wrote:
rpm -e will not remove any package that has dependencies on it.
Along similar lines there is this short shell script put together by Mike Harris. This will go through all installed rpms and list which may be removable based on outstanding dependencies. In order to make full use of this script you should run it after every package removal as dependencies will change. Using this, or similar concepts, it's possible to get an extremely small base system installed by using the remaining package set in a kickstart install.
# ## this script originated from a one-liner posted to #centos-social ## by Mike Harris; mharris on irc.freenode.net. Script used with ## permission. #
for each in $(rpm -qa |sort) do echo "$(rpm -e --test $each &> /dev/null && echo YES || echo 'NO '): $each" done
On Aug 9, 2011, at 3:10 PM, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
Hi all,
I need to setup a real bare minimum CentOS Virtual Machine, but with normal internet / network access. i.e. I need SSH, Mutt, Links, lynx, ping, tracert, dig, iptables, etc.
Does anyone know where (if?) I can get a list of applications which gets installed with CentOS 6 if every option is deselected in the installer so that I can see what I can remove which isn't really necessary once installed?
---- do you mean as in /root/anaconda-ks.cfg ?
On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 12:23 AM, Craig White craig.white@ttiltd.com wrote:
On Aug 9, 2011, at 3:10 PM, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
Hi all,
I need to setup a real bare minimum CentOS Virtual Machine, but with normal internet / network access. i.e. I need SSH, Mutt, Links, lynx, ping, tracert, dig, iptables, etc.
Does anyone know where (if?) I can get a list of applications which gets installed with CentOS 6 if every option is deselected in the installer so that I can see what I can remove which isn't really necessary once installed?
do you mean as in /root/anaconda-ks.cfg ?
Craig _______________________________________________
Craig, yes, and no. I am actually looking for a list of software packages that can be removed without breaking the running OS. like for example bluez-libs or cronie-anacron which isn't necessarily needed for a bare-minimum system to run.
I honestly don't just want to delete stuff that I don't know if it could break something, so I was hoping maybe someone knows of a list (on a wiki / blog / etc) that has a really bare minimum list of software that needs to be on a server to function.
I could install anything else later on if I need to though.
Craig, yes, and no. I am actually looking for a list of software packages that can be removed without breaking the running OS. like for example bluez-libs or cronie-anacron which isn't necessarily needed for a bare-minimum system to run.
I honestly don't just want to delete stuff that I don't know if it could break something, so I was hoping maybe someone knows of a list (on a wiki / blog / etc) that has a really bare minimum list of software that needs to be on a server to function.
I could install anything else later on if I need to though.
I really think the minimal CD would be about as lean as you would want to go. You could maybe trim a few megs, but is it worth the extra work?
On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 12:41 AM, Scott Silva ssilva@sgvwater.com wrote:
<snip> > > > Craig, yes, and no. I am actually looking for a list of software > packages that can be removed without breaking the running OS. like for > example bluez-libs or cronie-anacron which isn't necessarily needed > for a bare-minimum system to run. > > I honestly don't just want to delete stuff that I don't know if it > could break something, so I was hoping maybe someone knows of a list > (on a wiki / blog / etc) that has a really bare minimum list of > software that needs to be on a server to function. > > I could install anything else later on if I need to though. > >
I really think the minimal CD would be about as lean as you would want to go. You could maybe trim a few megs, but is it worth the extra work?
Hi Scott,
I didn't know about the minimal CD until now.
And it's not really about "trimming a few extra megs", but rather about removing, and disabling services which users generally won't use but gets installed and often cause security issues down the road cause it was never disabled
On Wed, 10 Aug 2011, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
Hi Scott,
I didn't know about the minimal CD until now.
And it's not really about "trimming a few extra megs", but rather about removing, and disabling services which users generally won't use but gets installed and often cause security issues down the road cause it was never disabled
My ALI scripts should be able to handle setting up which services are running from bootup. That's what I wrote them for ;)
Once those scripts have been setup and configured for a particular machine, I can do a minimal fresh kickstart installation in 20-30 minutes. The rest can be downloaded and installed overnight while I'm sleeping :)
Also you can use a USB flash drive for storing your kickstart file. Please see my Fedora guide 'Putting a kickstart file onto USB flash drive' here:
Kind Regards,
Keith Roberts
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On 08/09/11 3:10 PM, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
Does anyone know where (if?) I can get a list of applications which gets installed with CentOS 6 if every option is deselected in the installer so that I can see what I can remove which isn't really necessary once installed?
rpm -qa
(after doing that minimal install)
"really isn't neccessary" is highly subjective, noone else can make that call for you.
On Aug 9, 2011, at 3:40 PM, John R Pierce wrote:
On 08/09/11 3:10 PM, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
Does anyone know where (if?) I can get a list of applications which gets installed with CentOS 6 if every option is deselected in the installer so that I can see what I can remove which isn't really necessary once installed?
rpm -qa
(after doing that minimal install)
"really isn't neccessary" is highly subjective, noone else can make that call for you.
---- sheesh...
after doing that minimal install, you have a complete kickstart script written for you already...
I can't believe that no one actually picked up on that
On 08/09/11 4:02 PM, Craig White wrote:
you have a complete kickstart script written for you already...
speaking of kickstart... I may need to setup a portable kickstart server for CentOS 6 , and I've never really messed with it... how do you supply the ks.cfg file when you're PXE booting and have no CD or floppy?
is there a good how-to on setting up kickstart servers for EL6 ?
redhat can't be serious when they say...
30.2. PXE Boot Configuration
The next step is to copy the files necessary to start the installation to the tftp server so they can be found when the client requests them. The tftp server is usually the same server as the network server exporting the installation tree.
(end of section)
like, *WHAT* files?? does anyone PROOF READ this stuff ?!? (yeah, I know, this is upstream's problem, not CentOS...)
On Tue, 9 Aug 2011, John R Pierce wrote:
how do you supply the ks.cfg file when you're PXE booting and have no CD or floppy?
ummm ... with DHCP, handing out the correct boot vmlinuz image under PXE for the MAC address in question, and kernel command line arguments, one of which is the location of the ks.cfg, and of the initrd, usually through a 'next' server [being a 'next' server, because it provides the next needed information] again through the TFTPD, DHCPD and (usually) FTPD or HTTPD
It has not changed for years, and in all honesty, as much of what is happening is burned into 'state machines, inside of boot roms on network interfaces, it will NEVER change substantially. See, HPA's work with SYSLINUX
It is fully tested by me under CentOS 6, as part of my install testing -- so-called wire installs are how I always install
is there a good how-to on setting up kickstart servers for EL6 ?
We installed perhaps ten units that way today under C6
I've pretty well covered everything that can go wrong in such a process, starting a decade ago
http://www.owlriver.com/tips/pxe-install/ http://www.owlriver.com/tips/hands-off/ http://www.owlriver.com/tips/tftp-xinetd/ http://www.owlriver.com/tips/centos-upgradeany/ http://www.owlriver.com/tips/tiny-centos/ http://www.owlriver.com/tips/minimal-installer/
http://www.shabazian.com/lw2007.pdf (Chip Shabazian)
and of course the LTSP (Jim McQuillan) and K12LTSP (gone dark, and owned by a domain squatter, now-a-days) projects' work in Linux space
redhat can't be serious when they say...
like, *WHAT* files?? does anyone PROOF READ this stuff ?!? (yeah, I know, this is upstream's problem, not CentOS...)
There are no typos that I see there
All the pointers you need to get started are in that paragraph. All URL's above are 'primary sources' and orininal content on how to do it
-- Russ herrold
On Tue, 9 Aug 2011, John R Pierce wrote:
On 08/09/11 4:02 PM, Craig White wrote:
you have a complete kickstart script written for you already...
speaking of kickstart... I may need to setup a portable kickstart server for CentOS 6 , and I've never really messed with it... how do you supply the ks.cfg file when you're PXE booting and have no CD or floppy?
is there a good how-to on setting up kickstart servers for EL6 ?
redhat can't be serious when they say...
30.2. PXE Boot Configuration
The next step is to copy the files necessary to start the installation to the tftp server so they can be found when the client requests them. The tftp server is usually the same server as the network server exporting the installation tree.
(end of section)
like, *WHAT* files?? does anyone PROOF READ this stuff ?!? (yeah, I know, this is upstream's problem, not CentOS...)
You might want to look at https://fedorahosted.org/cobbler/
I use Cobbler/KOAN all the time... And setting up a bare bones VM - super trivial...
On Wed, 10 Aug 2011, Tom Diehl wrote:
On Tue, 9 Aug 2011, John R Pierce wrote:
On 08/09/11 4:02 PM, Craig White wrote:
you have a complete kickstart script written for you already...
speaking of kickstart... I may need to setup a portable kickstart server for CentOS 6 , and I've never really messed with it... how do you supply the ks.cfg file when you're PXE booting and have no CD or floppy?
is there a good how-to on setting up kickstart servers for EL6 ?
redhat can't be serious when they say...
30.2. PXE Boot Configuration
The next step is to copy the files necessary to start the installation to the tftp server so they can be found when the client requests them. The tftp server is usually the same server as the network server exporting the installation tree.
(end of section)
like, *WHAT* files?? does anyone PROOF READ this stuff ?!? (yeah, I know, this is upstream's problem, not CentOS...)
You might want to look at https://fedorahosted.org/cobbler/
-- Tom Diehl tdiehl@rogueind.com Spamtrap address mtd123@rogueind.com _______________________________________________ CentOS mailing list CentOS@centos.org http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos
Scot P. Floess RHCT (Certificate Number 605010084735240) Chief Architect FlossWare http://sourceforge.net/projects/flossware http://flossware.sourceforge.net https://github.com/organizations/FlossWare
On Tue, 9 Aug 2011, Craig White wrote:
On Aug 9, 2011, at 3:40 PM, John R Pierce wrote:
On 08/09/11 3:10 PM, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
Does anyone know where (if?) I can get a list of applications which gets installed with CentOS 6 if every option is deselected in the installer so that I can see what I can remove which isn't really necessary once installed?
rpm -qa
(after doing that minimal install)
"really isn't neccessary" is highly subjective, noone else can make that call for you.
after doing that minimal install, you have a complete kickstart script written for you already...
I can't believe that no one actually picked up on that
In C6 this is very broken!! It is not useful. Sometimes it shows the packages that were installed and most of the time it does not. In addition, it does not even get the disk layout right. If I take what is in anaconda-ks.cfg and paste it into a kickstart file. It blows chunks. Sometimes I can figure out what is wrong but other times I cannot get it to work. I fought with a software raid 1 setup yesterday and never did get it to work.
At some point I need to file a bug wrt this but I have not taken the time to do it yet.
On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 6:10 PM, Rudi Ahlers Rudi@softdux.com wrote:
I need to setup a real bare minimum CentOS Virtual Machine, but with normal internet / network access. i.e. I need SSH, Mutt, Links, lynx, ping, tracert, dig, iptables, etc.
Does anyone know where (if?) I can get a list of applications which gets installed with CentOS 6 if every option is deselected in the installer so that I can see what I can remove which isn't really necessary once installed?
Kickstart minimal: either %packages --nobase @Core or %packages @Base
I'm not sure what's installed when you don't select anything in Anaconda but if you have such an install you can compare the output of "rpm -qa" with "yum groupinfo Core" and "yum groupinfo Base".
On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 7:33 PM, Tom H tomh0665@gmail.com wrote:
On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 6:10 PM, Rudi Ahlers Rudi@softdux.com wrote:
I need to setup a real bare minimum CentOS Virtual Machine, but with normal internet / network access. i.e. I need SSH, Mutt, Links, lynx, ping, tracert, dig, iptables, etc.
Does anyone know where (if?) I can get a list of applications which gets installed with CentOS 6 if every option is deselected in the installer so that I can see what I can remove which isn't really necessary once installed?
Kickstart minimal: either %packages --nobase @Core or %packages @Base
I'm not sure what's installed when you don't select anything in Anaconda but if you have such an install you can compare the output of "rpm -qa" with "yum groupinfo Core" and "yum groupinfo Base".
Oops. I've just checked "yum groupinfo ..." and it doesn't list all packages installed by Core and Base (about 200 and 400 packages respectively). I presume that dependencies aren't included in groups...
From: Rudi Ahlers Rudi@SoftDux.com
Does anyone know where (if?) I can get a list of applications which gets installed with CentOS 6 if every option is deselected in the installer so that I can see what I can remove which isn't really necessary once installed?
Maybe try something like: grep '<id>|mandatory|default' /PATH/TO/REPO/6/os/x86_64/repodata/*comps.xml | sed 's/<[a-z/]*>//g; s/<packagereq type=//g' | tr '>' ' '