I decided to try the program giFT, and went to their web site to see what to do. It wasn't clear at first that any RPMs would be available, so I tried installing it using configure, make, and make install.
It was only after trying to find a GUI interface, and I decided on giFTui, that I discovered that RPMs were available. So I downloaded and isntalled them, and then found an incon in my Applications menu.
Unfortunately, clicking on the menu to start giFTui doesn't start the program. I get a little notice in the bottom of the screen saying that giFTui is starting. And then it goes away and the program hasn't started.
Is it just that giFT, or giFTui, is unstable, or did I mess things up with my previous attempts to manually install the program?
And is it possible for me to tell which is the problem?