How do you send special keystrokes in vncviewer? I need to send Shift-F10...
Searching the net showed nothing and realvnc's webpage yielded nothing either.
Thanks! jlc
On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 18:01:27 -0600, Joseph wrote:
How do you send special keystrokes in vncviewer? I need to send Shift-F10...
Searching the net showed nothing and realvnc's webpage yielded nothing either.
Just a thought, but your window manager may be intercepting the keystroke. If it is, disable it and try vnc again.
Joseph L. Casale wrote:
How do you send special keystrokes in vncviewer? I need to send Shift-F10...
Searching the net showed nothing and realvnc's webpage yielded nothing either.
If you press F8 in the vncviewer window, a menu will come up ... one of the options on that menu is to select alt or ctrl with a check mark.
Shift-F10 seems to pass through OK for me using the CentOS-5 VNC Viewer without any problems though and not need any help.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes