Recently, I added the below line to my and rebuilt. Everything was working just fine until sometime today. In looking over the maillog, it seems if almost every piece of mail was rejected because of this configuration - mail that I know is OK, valid, and not a source of spam, like Not only that, but the mailing list from centos was being rejected as well. Anyone know what might be happening? One link I ran across said that went out of business or stopped their service in Dec of '06. If that's the case, why is their info still being listed in some of the sendmail configs, and others still advertising it's use.
dnl # FEATURE(`dnsbl', `', `"550 Email rejected due to sending server misconfiguration - see
Sam Drinkard wrote:
One link I ran
across said that went out of business or stopped their service in Dec of '06. If that's the case, why is their info still being listed in some of the sendmail configs, and others still advertising it's use.
dnl # FEATURE(`dnsbl', `', `"550 Email rejected due to sending server misconfiguration - see
host comes back with
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
So yes, that blacklist isn't there anymore.
Why sendmail choses to block mails when the dnsbl isn't reachable should be asked on some sendmail related list.
But: If you plan to use blacklists, you *really* should know *why* the blacklist blocks *what* *when*, as you are letting *others* decide on what to do with your mails. Which - IMNSHO - is plain stupid.
So if you don't know what the blacklist is doing: DO NOT USE IT.
And if you're not really really really sure what you are doing regarding that: Don't do it.
On Tue, 2008-03-25 at 18:03 -0400, Sam Drinkard wrote:
Recently, I added the below line to my and rebuilt. Everything was working just fine until sometime today. In looking over the maillog, it seems if almost every piece of mail was rejected because of this configuration - mail that I know is OK, valid, and not a source of spam, like Not only that, but the mailing list from centos was being rejected as well. Anyone know what might be happening? One link I ran across said that went out of business or stopped their service in Dec of '06. If that's the case, why is their info still being listed in some of the sendmail configs, and others still advertising it's use.
dnl # FEATURE(`dnsbl', `', `"550 Email rejected due to sending server misconfiguration - see