I 'su" to root and run command. I got error message. Anyone know how to fix it?
/home/app/oracle/product/oms10g/install/unix/scripts/omsstup start /bin/su: user %s_userName% does not exist
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mcclnx mcc wrote:
I 'su" to root and run command. I got error message. Anyone know how to fix it?
/home/app/oracle/product/oms10g/install/unix/scripts/omsstup start /bin/su: user %s_userName% does not exist
I guess the user that is called doesn't exist.
You'd have to look in the script to see which user is called there.
Was there an installation procedure or directives?
mcclnx mcc wrote:
I 'su" to root and run command. I got error message. Anyone know how to fix it?
/home/app/oracle/product/oms10g/install/unix/scripts/omsstup start /bin/su: user %s_userName% does not exist
what is this oracle stuff doing here?
please copy-paste the _command_ you typed and the error message.
try /bin/su
if this works, then see why your 'su' is aliased (try "alias su")