Yes it is all the reason why we want to change to Centos (longer EOL), and we think the stability in RHE should be worth something. It's not always the best to run the newest and the best especially on a production server.
So is there anyway to do it other than from yum or to manually force install all the rpm downloaded in the cache?
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Johnny Hughes Sent: 14 September 2004 19:38 To: CentOS Users Subject: Re: [Centos] Upgrading Fedora Core 1 to CentOS
On Tue, 2004-09-14 at 06:24, William Warren wrote:
depends on your definition of downlgrade..i see it as the oposite..fedora's lifecycle is not nearly as long as RHEL 3..:)
Agreed, from a stability and lifecycle perspective, CentOS is much better than (and in my opinion an upgrade to) Fedora Core 1.
But from a package perspective, many of the items in an up2date Fedora Core 1 install are newer than the packages in CentOS, so they won't upgrade via yum (since the installed Fedora Core 1 packages are already newer).
Johnny Hughes wrote:
On Mon, 2004-09-13 at 20:51, Johnny Hughes wrote:
It is a downgrade and not an upgrade to go from CentOS to Fedora Core 1 ... CentOS is an upgrade from RedHat 9 but a Downgrade from FC1.
I meant that it is a downgrade to go from FC1 to CentOS ... as RHEL 3 was released from RedHat 9.0 code, then FC1 was released later.
Johnny Hughes
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