centos 6.8 kde 4.3.4 toshiba satellite l4550-s5976 laptop
- part 1: clock losing time
first noticed time was off by 8 min, reset via F2 cl terminal.
~40 min later, off by ~2 min, reset via 'service manager' by stopping ntpd, count 20, started ntpd, within a few seconds, clock reset to correct time.
~1 hour later, noticed clock off again, considered cause to be cmos battery failing. after removing ~30 screws and bottom cover, found that cmos batter was soldered to board. checked with dvom, voltage read 3.2v with main battery and charger removed.
ran web search on tower box to find that cmos battery is a rechargeable 3.0 v battery and being that removing screws and cover took several minutes, with battery being up, cause must be elsewhere.
note - noticed that a time problem was occurring just after tzdata update on 2016-1201.
was not able to pursue further due to next problems.
- part 2: unable to open knoqueror file browser [kfb].
having other things to do other than worry about time problem, decided move a few files around and give further thought to time problem before opening thunderbird to post problem.
with several other kfb's open, decided to open another. not. clicking kfb icon started opening of kfb, but it shut down within a couple seconds. repeated attempt 4 more times, all failed.
have previously had at least 10 kfb's open and never had a problem with opening additional.
strange, thought i. decided to reboot system to see if problem cleared.
now way. new problem.
- part 3: kde desktop fails to run.
system rebooted to default desktop manager, entered password, kde starts to load, drops out, desktop manager reruns.
able to login as 'root' using kde no problem.
any and all help/suggestions greatly appreciated.
On 12/11/2016 7:01 PM, geo.inbox.ignored wrote:
- part 1: clock losing time
first noticed time was off by 8 min, reset via F2 cl terminal.
~40 min later, off by ~2 min, reset via 'service manager' by stopping ntpd, count 20, started ntpd, within a few seconds, clock reset to correct time.
~1 hour later, noticed clock off again, considered cause to be cmos battery failing. after removing ~30 screws and bottom cover, found that cmos batter was soldered to board. checked with dvom, voltage read 3.2v with main battery and charger removed.
ran web search on tower box to find that cmos battery is a rechargeable 3.0 v battery and being that removing screws and cover took several minutes, with battery being up, cause must be elsewhere.
normally, the CMOS clock is just used to set the system time when the system boots (or wakes up from sleep/hibernate), after that the time is maintained by the OS via timer interrupts.
my usual solution to time problems is to configure ntpd, but that may not be suitable for a laptop.
the tzdata is used for time zone offsets, daylight savings time computations, etc. it should have no impact on the time of day maintained by the kernel.
On Dec 11, 2016, at 10:01 PM, geo.inbox.ignored wrote:
- part 1: clock losing time
first noticed time was off by 8 min, reset via F2 cl terminal.
~40 min later, off by ~2 min, reset via 'service manager' by stopping ntpd, count 20, started ntpd, within a few seconds, clock reset to correct time.
~1 hour later, noticed clock off again, considered cause to be cmos battery failing. after removing ~30 screws and bottom cover, found that cmos batter was soldered to board. checked with dvom, voltage read 3.2v with main battery and charger removed.
ran web search on tower box to find that cmos battery is a rechargeable 3.0 v battery and being that removing screws and cover took several minutes, with battery being up, cause must be elsewhere.
note - noticed that a time problem was occurring just after tzdata update on 2016-1201.
was not able to pursue further due to next problems.
It could be a bad drift file. I think it’s normally configured as /var/lib/ntp/drift, but check your ntp.conf.
You should try deleting it when the system is up and running at normal temperature and restart ntpd and let it run for a while.
-- Jonathan Billings
On 12/11/2016 09:01 PM, geo.inbox.ignored wrote:
centos 6.8 kde 4.3.4 toshiba satellite l4550-s5976 laptop
- part 1: clock losing time
John and Jonathon, thank you for replies.
both of you were helpful in refreshing my chemo brain. seems that chemo can also effect long term memory. 8=\ had i known just how deep chemo can effect ones body, i may have moved to Denver for cure. B=)
seems problem has now gone away after a couple of reboots and is holding after many more.
as for other problems, i decided to rsync my partitions on laptop to tower box and install fresh with 6.8 dvd 1 & 2.
while at it, also decided to repartition hdd to /boot, /swap, /, and /home.
all went well with rsync moving partitioning paths back into /home.
now have a new problem from update attempt, with error message of;
Error: database disk image is malformed
which will be "Subject:" of new post coming shortly.
thanks again for you help. much appreciated.