what exactly is the planned day and time that centos4 will be moved removed from working "yum update" & current mirrored functionality ??
march 1st or a day or two later please?
- rh
On 02/28/2012 10:49 AM, R - elists wrote:
what exactly is the planned day and time that centos4 will be moved removed from working "yum update" & current mirrored functionality ??
march 1st or a day or two later please?
- rh
CentOS 4.9 is currently (and will remain forever) at:
There will be no more updates added to that after Red Hat stops releasing updates (if they release any more before they stop support, we will add those), but it will remain fully functional with some changes to your CentOS-Base.repo file.
Specifically, remark out all the mirrorlist and baseurl functions and use this:
so these baseurls would be used on an i386 machine in the various sections instead of what is there:
baseurl=http://vault.centos.org/4.9/os/i386/ baseurl=http://vault.centos.org/4.9/updates/i386/ baseurl=http://vault.centos.org/4.9/extras/i386/ baseurl=http://vault.centos.org/4.9/centosplus/i386/
Now, of course, we highly recommend moving off CentOS-4, as there will be no more security fixes ... but you can use vault.centos.org as necessary even after removal from the main mirrors.
As to the timing for the removal of CentOS-4.x from the master mirror (and therefore all of mirror.centos.org, then the remote sites), I am not 100% sure yet when we will move it off. We may not remove it for the CentOS-5.8 release ... we might, but probably not. We will almost certainly remove CentOS-4.x when we remove CentOS-5.7 (probably a week or so after the 5.8 release) ... so likely around March 10th, 2012.