As I am now managing a CentOS server, I've installed 5.4 on a spare desktop partition. A lot of my work is to copy and paste from various text fields online and in a local text editor. Therefore, I would like to define my keyboard's multimedia keys for some functions: 1) Clear field (might be accomplished by Select All then Delete) 2) Cut (standard Ctrl-X clipboard, not X11) 3) Copy (standard Ctrl-C clipboard, not X11) 4) Paste (standard Ctrl-V clipboard, not X11)
To start, the key that I would like to assign for Copy has these properties: Scancode (showkey -s): 0xe0 0xba 0xe0 0xea
Keycode (showkey): 158
Keycode (xev): 166
I have tried these .Xmodmap lines and none of the worked to assign the key to Copy: keycode 158 = XF86Copy keycode 166 = XF86Copy
I should note that I _think_ that XF86Copy affects the mouse highlight-and-middle-click clipboard, not the ctrl-c|ctrl-v clipboard. It is the later that I do need, not the former. If I get this worked out, Cut and Paste should be easy (ha!). However, I am still at a loss about what to do with the "Clear field" button.