I have two EC2 instances and I would like to setup some sort of failover strategy for them. They currently act as load balancers, forwarding layer 7 traffic using haproxy and stunnel to other EC2 instances. One of these load balancers currently has an elastic IP assigned with an A record pointing to it. What I'm trying to achieve is to remap this elastic IP in the eventuality of an instance failure. I know that heartbeat/keepalived/pacemaker/openais can do this without any kind of trouble but these tools don't work in Amazon's cloud due to restrictions imposed on their network (multicast/unicast traffic). One way of doing this would would require a network monitoring system that supports event-based script execution. At this point I'm thinking about writing a wrapper script around 'ec2-associate-address' and upon detecting a failure on instance A, my network monitoring system would simply execute the script on instance B in order to re-associate the elastic IP.
Does anyone have a better/more elegant solution to this?
-- Andrei