Le 08/01/2014 14:54, Reindl Harald a écrit :
*which independence*??????
CentOS is a*bug for bug* indentical rebuild of RHEL you will never face*any* change or bugfix in CentOS which is not done in the same RHEL package
so about*what* independance are you talking about?
For example to build a 100% bug for bug release of RHEL, and not : "better able to serve the needs of open source community members who require different or faster-moving components" From : http://community.redhat.com/centos-faq/
This is a kind of Fedora ? Will it supported 10 years, by recompiling the RHEL source updates too ?
They do that right now.
- CentOS Plus-Kernel - CentOS Extras - Xen4CentOS
Are all NOT upstream but CentOS original projects. Read the part about SIG in the FAQ and you know what this will eventually become.
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: centos-bounces@centos.org [mailto:centos-bounces@centos.org] Im Auftrag von Alain Péan Gesendet: Mittwoch, 8. Januar 2014 15:00 An: CentOS mailing list Betreff: Re: [CentOS] [CentOS-announce] CentOS Project joins forces with Red Hat
Le 08/01/2014 14:54, Reindl Harald a écrit :
*which independence*??????
CentOS is a*bug for bug* indentical rebuild of RHEL you will never face*any* change or bugfix in CentOS which is not done in the same RHEL package
so about*what* independance are you talking about?
For example to build a 100% bug for bug release of RHEL, and not : "better able to serve the needs of open source community members who require different or faster-moving components" From : http://community.redhat.com/centos-faq/
This is a kind of Fedora ? Will it supported 10 years, by recompiling the RHEL source updates too ?
Le 08/01/2014 15:01, Thomas Göttgens a écrit :
They do that right now.
- CentOS Plus-Kernel
- CentOS Extras
- Xen4CentOS
Is RHEL interested by Xen ? In RHEL 6, there is no more Xen support, only KVM. This is the motivation for the Xen4CentOS project...
Is there Xen Support in Fedora?
You're completely missing the point here. Redhat ist not going to influence the direction centos is going, but merely saying it will advocate 'variations' of centos, i.e. additional package sets much like Xen4CentOS or the much abused OpenStack (at least in that FAQ) ;-)
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: centos-bounces@centos.org [mailto:centos-bounces@centos.org] Im Auftrag von Alain Péan Gesendet: Mittwoch, 8. Januar 2014 15:11 An: centos@centos.org Betreff: Re: [CentOS] [CentOS-announce] CentOS Project joins forces with Red Hat
Le 08/01/2014 15:01, Thomas Göttgens a écrit :
They do that right now.
- CentOS Plus-Kernel
- CentOS Extras
- Xen4CentOS
Is RHEL interested by Xen ? In RHEL 6, there is no more Xen support, only KVM. This is the motivation for the Xen4CentOS project...
On 01/08/2014 09:19 AM, Thomas Göttgens wrote:
Is there Xen Support in Fedora?
You're completely missing the point here. Redhat ist not going to influence the direction centos is going, but merely saying it will advocate 'variations' of centos, i.e. additional package sets much like Xen4CentOS or the much abused OpenStack (at least in that FAQ) ;-)
I have talked a bit with Redhat people at the ETSI NFV meetings. We will see how NFV is met and what part OpenStack plays. Of course the customers just want the reality of NFV with the economic drivers that are pushing us in that direction. If OpenStack is part of the solution, and is secure (my role in the process), then it will get deployed.
On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 8:01 AM, Thomas Göttgens tgoettgens@gmail.com wrote:
They do that right now.
- CentOS Plus-Kernel
- CentOS Extras
- Xen4CentOS
Are all NOT upstream but CentOS original projects. Read the part about SIG in the FAQ and you know what this will eventually become.
I hope the 'centos minimal' iso continues to be supported. That has become my favorite install approach, especially where someone in a remote office has to bring a box up to where I can ssh to it and add our applications. I do wish it included openssh-clients and rsync to make the next steps easier, though...
On 01/08/2014 10:16 AM, Les Mikesell wrote:
On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 8:01 AM, Thomas Göttgens tgoettgens@gmail.com wrote:
They do that right now.
- CentOS Plus-Kernel
- CentOS Extras
- Xen4CentOS
Are all NOT upstream but CentOS original projects. Read the part about SIG in the FAQ and you know what this will eventually become.
I hope the 'centos minimal' iso continues to be supported. That has become my favorite install approach, especially where someone in a remote office has to bring a box up to where I can ssh to it and add our applications. I do wish it included openssh-clients and rsync to make the next steps easier, though...
That won't go away. This is purely an additive process. Nothing changes for what we already do. If you want to use the new stuff we do or a variant that someone else comes up with, great. If not, the base/updates will always be there, minimal included.