I bought a Viewsonic VG730m monitor, analogue and digital. With a digital cable connected the screen keeps blanking for a second or so. system-config-display shows it configured as a CRT monitor, and refuses to accept that it is an LCD monitor.
I've tried manually editing xorg.conf, putting in the manufacturer's values for horizontal and vertical refresh, but the problem remains. The Viewsonic website has lots of information for windows and some for mac, but nothing for linux.
I need either
to find how to make system-config-display keep the setting I'm giving it
to know what entry to put into xorg.conf to make it understand that it is an LCD display.
Sorry if this sounds naive, but I've not had a digital monitor before. I could go back to using the analogue connection, which gave no problems, but you'll understand that I'm reluctant to do that.