booting starts /etc/init.d/nfslock. today, rpc.statd used port 873.
later starting xinetd finds port used and disabled rsync daemon.
So its more or less a lucky break, to boot CentOS and have rsync running?
In /etc/rc3.d is S14nfslock S56xinetd
so by design xinetd starts always after nfslock!!!!
Best regards
Am 12.07.2013 um 23:47 schrieb Helmut Drodofsky drodofsky@internet-xs.de:
booting starts /etc/init.d/nfslock. today, rpc.statd used port 873.
later starting xinetd finds port used and disabled rsync daemon.
So its more or less a lucky break, to boot CentOS and have rsync running?
In /etc/rc3.d is S14nfslock S56xinetd
so by design xinetd starts always after nfslock!!!!
It is possible to set a dedicated port for lockd / statd in /etc/sysconfig/nfs.
-- LF