lists-centos wrote:
are you configured for spamassassin or clamav as milters on the server (in the and either/both of these didn't start up on the reboot? sendmail will still accept mail with sa/clamav not running, but it takes a bit longer. there's also the possibility of an inverse-map lookup on the ipnumbers of the inbound client machines. if the server is trying to do the lookups but is having trouble reaching the appropriate server you'll get long hangs.
- Rick
Hi Rick,
no milters are configured...this is a really small intranet with absolutely no connectivity to the outside world.
I'm baffled. Regarding your mention of a dns may be, but i'm still baffled as this was all working before the weekend. I rebooted the box on Sunday and am in this <pun intended> bind today :)
Thanks for your input...much appreciated. -R