Why, oh why Johnny didn't you let him actually CALL the FBI ? It would have been a great show. I bet the FBI computer forensice professionals would have some great fun :)
- -- Rodrigo Barbosa rodrigob@suespammers.org "Quid quid Latine dictum sit, altum viditur" "Be excellent to each other ..." - Bill & Ted (Wyld Stallyns)
Rodrigo Barbosa wrote:
Why, oh why Johnny didn't you let him actually CALL the FBI ? It would have been a great show. I bet the FBI computer forensice professionals would have some great fun :)
Too funny!!!!
"OUR" mistake and "whY" equals "YOUR".
This is a classic!!! It's about like the hosting client that just left us because his storage soared and bandwidth, so we asked for more money. He decided this 'other company' was a better deal. So now he's upset with us because we can't fix his broken dns for his new location???? ARRGH!!
Mostly folks are just frustrated.. don't understand.. get angry.. and take it out on anyone who will listen.
John Hinton
On Fri, 2006-03-24 at 22:40 -0300, Rodrigo Barbosa wrote:
Why, oh why Johnny didn't you let him actually CALL the FBI ? It would have been a great show. I bet the FBI computer forensice professionals would have some great fun :)
I really feel sorry for Johnny ... I know I could not have been nearly as nice after the first couple replies, I would have said FU and put a filter in to delete his messages.
His final message is almost worst than the rest ... no thank you, no sorry for the mistake, no nothing. ::sigh::
What's scary though is the way things are the it's not hard seeing that FBI would have knocked down the doors, confiscated computers system and pulled anybody they could find in for questioning without doing any research.
Regards, Paul Berger
Hi All,
I am a resident of Oklahoma City OK, which is not far from Tuttle.
Please accept my apologies for that pompous idiot. I had never heard of him until today; Tuttle is really Nowheresville. (Don't blink or you'll miss it.)
The work that you guys do is invaluable to me and is very much appreciated.
If I weren't so horrified at his behavior, I'd probably have gotten a good laugh at his expense. :-)
Sincerely, Steve Bergman
On Sat, 2006-03-25 at 19:16 -0600, Steve Bergman wrote:
Hi All,
I am a resident of Oklahoma City OK, which is not far from Tuttle.
Please accept my apologies for that pompous idiot. I had never heard of him until today; Tuttle is really Nowheresville. (Don't blink or you'll miss it.)
The work that you guys do is invaluable to me and is very much appreciated.
If I weren't so horrified at his behavior, I'd probably have gotten a good laugh at his expense. :-)
---- This is a far more serious problem than it appears to be...CentOS is taking over web sites everywhere. As Bill Murray said in Groundhog Day, "this rodent must be stopped"
He's a politician, of course he's a pompous idiot. I especially enjoyed his personal web page which states, "that his door is always open and that I answer all calls"...someone should alert the Oklahoman newspaper to this story and I would guarantee you that he would fail to take that phone call.
On 3/25/06, Steve Bergman steve@rueb.com wrote:
Craig White wrote:
He's a politician, of course he's a pompous idiot.
You're giving him too much credit.
Believe me. Tuttle is too small to have politicians. There's barely room there for a Boss Hogg. ;-)
One should be thankful for small miracles. I never saw the post that all this refers to. From all accounts, this is a blessing!
-- Collins Richey If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.
Collins Richey wrote:
On 3/25/06, Steve Bergman steve@rueb.com wrote:
Craig White wrote:
He's a politician, of course he's a pompous idiot.
You're giving him too much credit.
Believe me. Tuttle is too small to have politicians. There's barely room there for a Boss Hogg. ;-)
One should be thankful for small miracles. I never saw the post that all this refers to. From all accounts, this is a blessing!
'tis a pity his site wasn't on OpenBSD. I'd like the popcorn concession for that.
On Sat, 2006-03-25 at 19:49 -0600, Steve Bergman wrote:
Craig White wrote:
He's a politician, of course he's a pompous idiot.
You're giving him too much credit.
Believe me. Tuttle is too small to have politicians. There's barely room there for a Boss Hogg. ;-)
Well, lol let's all just blame Johnny Hughes!!!
All kidding aside, It's a shame that Johnny actually had to deal with something like this. He would never do it because he is too good hearted etc but right at the beginning he should have told him to go fo as he has too many other important things to deal w/besides something like this but I guess it just takes all kinds and I guess we just have to accept that and leave it alone now.
rado wrote:
On Sat, 2006-03-25 at 19:49 -0600, Steve Bergman wrote:
Craig White wrote:
He's a politician, of course he's a pompous idiot.
You're giving him too much credit.
Believe me. Tuttle is too small to have politicians. There's barely room there for a Boss Hogg. ;-)
All kidding aside, It's a shame that Johnny actually had to deal with something like this.
I hope he took it with a sense of humor. And with computer... err... Windows viruses just a part of daily life(!) for many, and with people's banks emailing them daily with urgent security notices requiring them to "confirm their usernames and passwords" by clicking http://this-link.evilcracker.net. , its not surprising that the truly stupid are totally confused and 'flusterated'.
And I'm sure Mr. Taylor has his hands full. For anyone interested, here is the vast metropolis which it is his responsibility to manage:
You'll have to click on the star to zoom; The link does not seem to incorporate the proper zoom level. (In fact, you'll have to click several times before you see anything.)
It wouldn't surprise me to find out that Mr. Taylor's brother is the sheriff, and that he has an Aunt Bea. ;-)
On Fri, 24 Mar 2006, Rodrigo Barbosa wrote:
Why, oh why Johnny didn't you let him actually CALL the FBI ? It would have been a great show. I bet the FBI computer forensice professionals would have some great fun :)
To be honest, after this remark:
"I am sorry that we had to go through the process and accusations to get the problem resolved. It could have been resolved a lot quicker if the initial correspondence with you provided the helpful information that was transmitted in the last messages. My initial contact with VIDIA disallowed any knowledge of creating the problem.Ã"
Johnny should have invoiced him for the services he provided.
Kind regards, -- dag wieers, dag@wieers.com, http://dag.wieers.com/ -- [all I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power]
Johnny might want to consider a standard form email for situations like these with hyperlinks to various government I've-been-hacked-now-what web sites.
He helped this guy way too much.
Dag Wieers wrote:
Johnny should have invoiced him for the services he provided.
Kind regards, -- dag wieers, dag@wieers.com, http://dag.wieers.com/ -- [all I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power]
On Sun, 2006-03-26 at 09:47 -0500, Ryan wrote:
Johnny might want to consider a standard form email for situations like these with hyperlinks to various government I've-been-hacked-now-what web sites.
He helped this guy way too much.
Dag Wieers wrote:
Johnny should have invoiced him for the services he provided.
Kind regards, -- dag wieers, dag@wieers.com, http://dag.wieers.com/ --
This is classic.
By the way, what is the fee for the default apache config, hehe.
Johnny, your a much better man than I.
Regards, Ted
On Fri, 24 Mar 2006, Rodrigo Barbosa wrote:
Johnny should have invoiced him for the services he provided.
BTW, the story just broke Slashdot....
Lamar Owen wrote:
On Fri, 24 Mar 2006, Rodrigo Barbosa wrote:
Johnny should have invoiced him for the services he provided.
BTW, the story just broke Slashdot....
The city of Tuttle will not know what has hit them. Will they now get the FBI out to investigate a DDOS from slashdot?
On Mon, 2006-03-27 at 15:53 +0100, Joseph Haig wrote:
Lamar Owen wrote:
On Fri, 24 Mar 2006, Rodrigo Barbosa wrote:
The city of Tuttle will not know what has hit them. Will they now get the FBI out to investigate a DDOS from slashdot?
If so, and in case the FBI is as clueless, send them here
Where they can confirm these immortal (now) words:
========================================================================= Why has Apache stolen my favourite site's Internet address?
The simple answer is: "It hasn't." This misconception is usually caused by the site in question having migrated to the Apache Web server software, but not having migrated the site's content yet. When Apache is installed, the default page that gets installed tells the Webmaster the installation was successful. The expectation is that this default page will be replaced with the site's real content. If it doesn't, complain to the Webmaster, not to the Apache project -- we just make the software and aren't responsible for what people do (or don't do) with it. =========================================================================
Johnny could have
sed -e 's/Apache/CentOS/g'
and saved himself some typing, even though it would still take two football teams and and Army to get the concept across.
Follow up article: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/03/27/tuttle_email/
On 3/24/06 7:40 PM, "Rodrigo Barbosa" rodrigob@suespammers.org wrote:
Why, oh why Johnny didn't you let him actually CALL the FBI ? It would have been a great show. I bet the FBI computer forensice professionals would have some great fun :)
Rodrigo Barbosa rodrigob@suespammers.org "Quid quid Latine dictum sit, altum viditur" "Be excellent to each other ..." - Bill & Ted (Wyld Stallyns)
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