This is one of those questions that seems to be soo obvious to people that no one feels the need to have an explanation anywhere. I've been looking around the net for ages, and I can't figure out what, on Linux, is actually a program.
I've downloaded OpenOffice 1.9 Beta, and would like to run it. I go to the /opt/openoffice.org1.9.122/program/ directory and... then what? What do I run to start the thing? I've hunted around with ls, and I thought bin files were the thing, but they don't seem to run.
I'm trying to run the program, associate the program with .ods files, and get some icons in my task bar. But I can't do any of those if I don't know what is actually the program.
On 8/4/05, Dave Gutteridge wrote:
This is one of those questions that seems to be soo obvious to people that no one feels the need to have an explanation anywhere. I've been looking around the net for ages, and I can't figure out what, on Linux, is actually a program.
I've downloaded OpenOffice 1.9 Beta, and would like to run it. I go to the /opt/openoffice.org1.9.122/program/ directory and... then what? What do I run to start the thing? I've hunted around with ls, and I thought bin files were the thing, but they don't seem to run.
I'm trying to run the program, associate the program with .ods files, and get some icons in my task bar. But I can't do any of those if I don't know what is actually the program.
use ls -al and look for an x in the permissions (for eXecutable)
Dave Gutteridge wrote:
This is one of those questions that seems to be soo obvious to people that no one feels the need to have an explanation anywhere. I've been looking around the net for ages, and I can't figure out what, on Linux, is actually a program.
file '/path/to/file' will tell you. But you still need to give execute permissions.
I've downloaded OpenOffice 1.9 Beta, and would like to run it. I go to the /opt/openoffice.org1.9.122/program/ directory and... then what? What do I run to start the thing? I've hunted around with ls, and I thought bin files were the thing, but they don't seem to run.
use ls -l
Files with a 'x' in the permissions are executable.
oowrite or something like that for word processing.
Dave Gutteridge wrote:
This is one of those questions that seems to be soo obvious to people that no one feels the need to have an explanation
This is more of the "Windows deprogramming" I have probably mentioned before. Linux is a UNIX-like system, so there is a mindshift.
It might help you if you get a basic UNIX/Linux book and read the first few chapters. I've been meaning to look at my local bookstore and find a good one, or even write a free one that is not too big, but goes over everything you should know to start.
I've been looking around the net for ages, and I can't figure out what, on Linux, is actually a program.
An "executable" in UNIX/Linux can be anything.
The difference in UNIX/Linux is that you must _explicitly_ mark in the filesystem itself that a file is "executable." We don't trust our programs to tell us, as that is why Windows has so many trojan horses (as well as the fact that before Outlook 11 aka 2003, it used to trust and blindly send off any extension to the Windows executive).
I've downloaded OpenOffice 1.9 Beta, and would like to run it. I go to the /opt/openoffice.org1.9.122/program/ directory and... then what? What do I run to start the thing? I've hunted around with ls, and I thought bin files were the thing, but they don't seem to run.
chmod u+x openoffice*.bin
[ Change modal on openoffice*.bin files to execute for the user (owner) ]
Now you can execute it:
Note that unlike Windows, UNIX/Linux systems do not automatically search the current directory for an executable. That's why you must use the "./" in front of an executable if it is in the current directory. Either that, or add the current directory to your path (e.g., PATH=/usr/bin:.:/bin).
I'm trying to run the program, associate the program with .ods files, and get some icons in my task bar. But I can't do any of those if I don't know what is actually the program.
The installer should setup file associations in GNOME and KDE.
"Bryan J. Smith" wrote:
The installer should setup file associations in GNOME and KDE.
If you haven't noticed, UNIX systems _always_ set file associations in the GUI, not the kernel/UNIX executive subsystem. This is a security/safety issue.
Windows _always_ ties associations to the Windows executive. That's why if you sent a .jpg file to the Windows executive thinking it will launch Photoshop, but it begins with "MZ", Windows will run it as an .exe. This is a core, inherent design flaw to Windows itself and if Microsoft changes it, about 98% of Windows programs out there will break.**
Furthermore, most UNIX GUIs and programs do _not_ trust extensions, but check the "file magic" (i.e., internal file format) instead. Especially when it comes to Internet programs. E.g., Mozilla Thunderbird and Ximian Evolution trust _neither_ the MIME Type declared _nor_ the extension of the file. They will immediately tell you what the true format of the file is (if it is known).
So although Windows has a serious security design flaw in its executive that can't be changed for compatibility, at least by using Windows programs (like Mozilla Thunderbird) which test for "file magic" tremendously help the situation.
File magic is also why most Freedomware-based SMTP gateways actually prevent executables and other trojan horses from entering the network, whereas about 80% of the Exchange SMTP gateway scanners stupidly trust MIME Type and/or extension. It's gotten batter in the case of the latter in the last 1-2 years. But I less than 2 years ago being at 2 Fortune 100 companies that had scanning systems easily bypassed by simply changing the declared MIME Type or extension allowed me to bypass the scanning.
-- Bryan
**NOTE: Does anyone know who I can _shoot_ for creating the WINE service/kernel .exe support so the Linux kernel/executive automatically launches WINE when it gets an .exe? Someone should absolutely be _shot_ for doing that, let alone packagers for allow it to be turned on by default upon install. I know they do it for "compatibility," but _stupid_ "compatibility" be damned, I don't want it if I merely install the WINE package.
On Thursday 04 August 2005 11:32, Bryan J. Smith wrote:
**NOTE: Does anyone know who I can _shoot_ for creating the WINE service/kernel .exe support so the Linux kernel/executive automatically launches WINE when it gets an .exe?
You still have to give it execute permission. Where's the problem? Isn't that exactly the same as calling /usr/bin/perl when there's a Perl script starting with #!/usr/bin/perl that's executable?
Simon Perreault wrote:
You still have to give it execute permission. Where's the problem? Isn't that exactly the same as calling
when there's a Perl script starting with #!/usr/bin/perl that's executable?
I typically prevent this by putting "noexec" on the VFAT filesystem I mount. But yes, I don't like the fact that many packages setup the the WINE execution daemon. I want to say I've even seen it execute without the bit set, but maybe I'm reaching.
Bryan J. Smith wrote:
I typically prevent this by putting "noexec" on the VFAT filesystem I mount. But yes, I don't like the fact that many packages setup the the WINE execution daemon.
Which wine execution daemon? It's exactly the same kernel interface which allows scripts to execute bash or perl or python or whatever with a she-bang.
I want to say I've even seen it execute without the bit set, but maybe I'm reaching.
On 8/4/05, Dave Gutteridge wrote:
This is one of those questions that seems to be soo obvious to people that no one feels the need to have an explanation anywhere. I've been looking around the net for ages, and I can't figure out what, on Linux, is actually a program.
I've downloaded OpenOffice 1.9 Beta, and would like to run it. I go to the /opt/openoffice.org1.9.122/program/ directory and... then what? What do I run to start the thing? I've hunted around with ls, and I thought bin files were the thing, but they don't seem to run.
I'm trying to run the program, associate the program with .ods files, and get some icons in my task bar. But I can't do any of those if I don't know what is actually the program.
Dave, there is an article on the Internet that you must read. Here is the link:
Dave, there is an article on the Internet that you must read. Here is the link:
Thank you for the article. However, I think you have missed my point. I am not looking for Linux to be like Windows. Nor am I advocating any approach that Windows does, or in favour of making any changes to make Linux in any way like Windows.
All I am saying is that I am an ex-Windows user who is trying to find points of references so that I can understand how Linux works. Actually, a long time ago I used to work regularly on an Irix system, and Mac comes in and out of my life depending on my job. But as I've been a regular user of Windows since, well, since there was Windows, I can't help the fact that is has significantly shaped my perception of how computers work in general.
All I know is that I want to start an application. In Windows I know how to do that. In Linux I don't. By asking in terms of how Windows does things is not a plea to change Linux to be like Windows, it's a query to find out how they differ so I can understand and operate Linux.
Please don't tar me with the brush of in any way saying that one OS should be like another, or even that one is better than another. I'm not really interested in OS comparisons or competitions. I'm on Linux for my own reasons, and I just want to understand it. In this context Windows is just a point of reference, a tool for translation of ideas. Nothing more.
Dave Gutteridge wrote:
Dave, there is an article on the Internet that you must read. Here is the link:
Thank you for the article. However, I think you have missed my point. I am not looking for Linux to be like Windows. Nor am I advocating any approach that Windows does, or in favour of making any changes to make Linux in any way like Windows.
All I am saying is that I am an ex-Windows user who is trying to find points of references so that I can understand how Linux works. Actually, a long time ago I used to work regularly on an Irix system, and Mac comes in and out of my life depending on my job. But as I've been a regular user of Windows since, well, since there was Windows, I can't help the fact that is has significantly shaped my perception of how computers work in general.
Ahhhh !!!! Just harken back to (glorious, IMHO) IRIX, & you should be off to the races. Many common Linux command line commands are named for their IRIX equivalents, so the familiarity should return quickly.
Dave _______________________________________________ CentOS mailing list
Ahhhh !!!! Just harken back to (glorious, IMHO) IRIX, & you should be off to the races. Many common Linux command line commands are named for their IRIX equivalents, so the familiarity should return quickly.
One might think so, but it was seven years ago since I was running SoftImage on Irix machines. Except for a brief experiment with running Linux about 6 years ago, I haven't touched a UNIX/IRIX/Linux machine since, and the commands are long since forgotten. I still remember basic concepts, like the differences between a super user and regular user, and file permissions and those kinds of general principles. But specific commands I can't remember at all.
I'm afraid my UNIX abilities have atrophied down to newbie level.
On Fri, 5 Aug 2005, Dave Gutteridge wrote:
One might think so, but it was seven years ago since I was running SoftImage on Irix machines. Except for a brief experiment with running Linux about 6 years ago, I haven't touched a UNIX/IRIX/Linux machine since, and the commands are long since forgotten. I still remember basic concepts, like the differences between a super user and regular user, and file permissions and those kinds of general principles. But specific commands I can't remember at all.
The 'file' command will tell you whether a file is a shell script, compiled executable, etc by interpreting the 'file magic' that Bryan mentioned. The OO installed 'usually' creates an 'Office' group on the start button of your window manager. File associations (between an extension and a program) are much looser than in Windows land, being enforced only by convention on the command line, and by individual preferences within graphical file browsers.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jim Wildman, CISSP, RHCE "Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one." Thomas Paine
Well, this problem is sort of solved. I now understand that Linux doesn't just have an equivelant to ".exe", and that some reconfiguration of my thinking will be required to wrap my head around it. I'm going to go out and hunt for Linux books soon, and hopefully get more of a feel for this sort of thing.
As for Open Office Beta, it turns out that the problem in getting it started was that when I did the RPM install, I missed a subdirectory which had the RPMs for menu items and MIME integrations. So I uninstalled and reinstalled OpenOffice Beta, this time being careful to get all the right components lined up, and voila, I have OpenOffice Beta working like a charm. Menu icons and everything.
Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions. As is always the case, I not only solved the problem, but learned a thing or two about some related issues along the way.
On Friday 05 August 2005 09.06, Dave Gutteridge wrote:
Well, this problem is sort of solved. I now understand that Linux doesn't just have an equivelant to ".exe", and that some reconfiguration of my thinking will be required to wrap my head around it. I'm going to go out and hunt for Linux books soon, and hopefully get more of a feel for this sort of thing.
Note that this contains only general help and was not meant to be applied to the openoffice situation (where your solution below is much better).
For what it's worth, here's how I usually find the answer to "which executables did this package install?":
rpm -ql PACKAGE | grep bin
It's not perfect and sometimes you'll get false hits, but I like it. It works since almost all executables in linux are placed in directories called something..bin...something.
If you're not strong on rpm commands, here's what it means in human-readable form: rpm query the list of files installed for package PACKAGE and pipe (feed) it to grep that only lets lines that contains "bin" through.
As for Open Office Beta, it turns out that the problem in getting it started was that when I did the RPM install, I missed a subdirectory which had the RPMs for menu items and MIME integrations. So I uninstalled and reinstalled OpenOffice Beta, this time being careful to get all the right components lined up, and voila, I have OpenOffice Beta working like a charm. Menu icons and everything.
Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions. As is always the case, I not only solved the problem, but learned a thing or two about some related issues along the way.
On Fri, 2005-08-05 at 16:06 +0900, Dave Gutteridge wrote:
Well, this problem is sort of solved. I now understand that Linux doesn't just have an equivelant to ".exe", and that some reconfiguration of my thinking will be required to wrap my head around it. I'm going to go out and hunt for Linux books soon, and hopefully get more of a feel for this sort of thing.
I have a friend that took a "Linux" course at a local community college and the book they used was "Linux Administration Handbook". From what I've seen it seems to be a reasonably good book that covers the three major "flavors" of Linux .... Redhat, SuSE and Debian. If your looking for a more user oriented book it may not be quite for you though, but teaches the concepts and covers the differences among the various flavors.
Regards, Paul Berger