I've been checking out this and like the looks of it. http://www.tyan.com/products/html/gt24b2891.html
I was told the onboard SATA RAID controller can only be used by windows. However, others have told me that there is no problem using it with linux.
Anyone used the Tyan Transport GT24 (TYAN Thunder K8SRE s2891 motherboard)? Good choice for a CentOS server?
Thanks, Josh
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olinux olnx@yahoo.com wrote:
I've been checking out this and like the looks of it. http://www.tyan.com/products/html/gt24b2891.html I was told the onboard SATA RAID controller can only be used by windows. However, others have told me that there is no problem using it with linux. Anyone used the Tyan Transport GT24 (TYAN Thunder K8SRE s2891 motherboard)? Good choice for a CentOS server?
I have used the S2895, which has the exact same nForce Pro 2200 IC (as well as 2050 on CPU#2, which the S2891/92s do not have).
The GPL nv_sata driver is in the _stock_ 2.6 kernel. And I'm fairly certain it has been backported in the RHEL/CentOS 3 2.4 kernels too.
No Native Command Queuing (NCQ) or Advanced Host Controller Interface (AHCI) management, but those are largely overrated. If I want command queuing, I'm going to do it across multiple disks with an intelligent ATA RAID controller (like 3Ware).