my /tmp is too small [when i want to use "convert"]. how can i set imagemagick, to use an other tmp folder, what has enough space?
thank you!
Please do not abuse this list for your daily tinky-winky support needs!!! This list is not a replacement for using your brain. Thank you!
Google or the search engine of your choice is your friend. I used "imagemagick set tmp dir" and the very first hit seems to contain the correct answer already. That's even faster than sending a question to this list and waiting for an answer.
Thank you again for stopping to abuse this list in the future, thanks.
Google will provide an answer, if someone asks it, and then someone answers it. If someone answers the question on a mailing list, then it wont be asked again on the list, because people could google for it. and mr. let me tell you: you're an idiot.
--- On Fri, 1/21/11, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
From: Kai Schaetzl Subject: Re: [CentOS] how to set imagemagicks tmp folder? To: Date: Friday, January 21, 2011, 12:13 PM Please do not abuse this list for your daily tinky-winky support needs!!! This list is not a replacement for using your brain. Thank you!
Google or the search engine of your choice is your friend. I used "imagemagick set tmp dir" and the very first hit seems to contain the correct answer already. That's even faster than sending a question to this list and waiting for an answer.
Thank you again for stopping to abuse this list in the future, thanks.
-- Get your web at Conactive Internet Services:
CentOS mailing list
Please leave this list, thanks.
On 1/21/2011 4:14 AM, S Mathias wrote:
my /tmp is too small [when i want to use "convert"]. how can i set imagemagick, to use an other tmp folder, what has enough space?
I'm not going to tell you to go away as some others have done, but I will give you a few tips that will help you get more answers to your questions and fewer flames.
This list is mostly populated by people who enjoy working with computers and solving problems. We enjoy figuring out how to do something. We enjoy helping other people solve their problems. However, we expect that people do some research of their own before coming here. We are a community of people who enjoy helping each other, not an unpaid tech support service.
1) Do some research on your own. Search Google. Read the man pages. Check the FAQs on the program website (if applicable).
2) When you ask the question, let us know what you have already tried. Don't lie about it, either. If you say you have read the man page, but we know the answer to your question is plainly stated there, you are going to get flamed.
3) Don't be upset if the answer you get is a pointer to look somewhere else. Go there and look. If you still can't find the answer, let us know and someone may be willing to give a more specific reference.
4) Ask the question in the right place. This list is great and has lots of smart people, but it is not the proper place for all questions. Your question about Imagemagick would probably be better asked in an Imagemagick forum. Off-topic questions are not strictly forbidden, but points 1-3 are even more important if your question is off-topic. It is also a good idea to explain WHY you are asking an off-topic question on this list rather than somewhere else.
The main point is this: We want to help you fix your problem. We don't want to do all the work for you. If you do not show that you are willing to attempt to find the solution yourself, you are not likely to get much help from us.
On 1/21/2011 9:10 AM, Bowie Bailey wrote:
- Ask the question in the right place. This list is great and has lots
of smart people, but it is not the proper place for all questions. Your question about Imagemagick would probably be better asked in an Imagemagick forum. Off-topic questions are not strictly forbidden, but points 1-3 are even more important if your question is off-topic. It is also a good idea to explain WHY you are asking an off-topic question on this list rather than somewhere else.
Errr, last time I looked, the environment variable that controls what directory is used for temporary files was platform specific unless the application does something very non-standard. I think on CentOS and things with similar libraries, that would be TMPDIR.
On 1/21/2011 11:16 AM, Les Mikesell wrote:
On 1/21/2011 9:10 AM, Bowie Bailey wrote:
- Ask the question in the right place. This list is great and has lots
of smart people, but it is not the proper place for all questions. Your question about Imagemagick would probably be better asked in an Imagemagick forum. Off-topic questions are not strictly forbidden, but points 1-3 are even more important if your question is off-topic. It is also a good idea to explain WHY you are asking an off-topic question on this list rather than somewhere else.
Errr, last time I looked, the environment variable that controls what directory is used for temporary files was platform specific unless the application does something very non-standard. I think on CentOS and things with similar libraries, that would be TMPDIR.
Considering that he didn't specify his OS and also apparently cross-posted the question to Ubuntu-users and Debian-users, we know absolutely nothing about his system. Not even the ImageMagick version...
If he had said: "On Centos 5 with ImageMagick 6.6.7, how do I change the temp directory so I don't run out of space doing a Convert?", then it would be more obvious that the question wasn't totally off-topic.
The general suggestion is valid regardless. Always make sure you are posting your question to a relevant list for the best shot at getting an answer.
On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 10:10:28AM -0500, Bowie Bailey wrote:
On 1/21/2011 4:14 AM, S Mathias wrote:
my /tmp is too small [when i want to use "convert"]. how can i set imagemagick, to use an other tmp folder, what has enough space?
I'm not going to tell you to go away as some others have done
I imagine that, if the OP's posting habits continue, the decision to leave the list may be made for him. I am not normally one for removing people from lists, but the OP is really getting intolerable.
To the OP: if you are involuntarily kicked off this list, you can try asking your poorly-researched questions on usenet, specifically the comp.os.linux.* newsgroups. The advantage is that you can never be kicked out of a newsgroup; the disadvantage is that people won't be nearly as patient there as they have been here.
On Fri, 2011-01-21 at 08:45 -0800, Keith Keller wrote:
I imagine that, if the OP's posting habits continue, the decision to leave the list may be made for him. I am not normally one for removing people from lists, but the OP is really getting intolerable.
Regards, Leonard.