Has anyone noticed that in the latest gaim update (gaim-1.3.1-0.el4.3.i386.rpm) almost all the MSN smiley icons are not included in the package? I've reverted to gaim-1.3.1-0.el4.i386.rpm and they're all there. Is this a bug? and if not why would redhat remove the smiley icons from Gaim?
On Fri, 2005-08-26 at 09:27 +1000, Tim Edwards wrote:
Has anyone noticed that in the latest gaim update (gaim-1.3.1-0.el4.3.i386.rpm) almost all the MSN smiley icons are not included in the package? I've reverted to gaim-1.3.1-0.el4.i386.rpm and they're all there. Is this a bug? and if not why would redhat remove the smiley icons from Gaim?
Yes, this has seemingly been done on purpose by Red Hat.
In the spec file appears:
# remove some graphics and map some smilies to others pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT rm -f usr/share/pixmaps/gaim/status/default/msn.png install -m 644 %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/pixmaps/gaim/status/default/msn.png rm -f usr/share/pixmaps/gaim/smileys/default/msn_* cd usr/share/pixmaps/gaim/smileys/default/ ln -s smile.png msn_smiley.png ln -s bigsmile.png msn_laugh.png ln -s yahoo_wink.gif msn_wink.gif ln -s scream.png msn_ooooh.png ln -s tongue.png msn_tongue.png ln -s cool.png msn_sunglasses.png ln -s yell.png msn_angry.png ln -s embarrassed.png msn_embarrassed.png ln -s sad.png msn_sad.png ln -s yahoo_cry.gif msn_cry.gif ln -s angel.png msn_angel.png ln -s crossedlips.png msn_donttell.png ln -s cool.png msn_hot.png ln -s yahoo_eyeroll.gif msn_eyeroll.gif popd
Comment out the following lines from the spec, rebuild the SRPM, install and all your MSN smiley icons will return.
rm -f usr/share/pixmaps/gaim/smileys/default/msn_* cd usr/share/pixmaps/gaim/smileys/default/ ln -s smile.png msn_smiley.png ln -s bigsmile.png msn_laugh.png ln -s yahoo_wink.gif msn_wink.gif ln -s scream.png msn_ooooh.png ln -s tongue.png msn_tongue.png ln -s cool.png msn_sunglasses.png ln -s yell.png msn_angry.png ln -s embarrassed.png msn_embarrassed.png ln -s sad.png msn_sad.png ln -s yahoo_cry.gif msn_cry.gif ln -s angel.png msn_angel.png ln -s crossedlips.png msn_donttell.png ln -s cool.png msn_hot.png ln -s yahoo_eyeroll.gif msn_eyeroll.gif
This "feature" does not appear in any FC SRPM right up the the FC5 development 1.5.0. :-(
Philip Wyett wrote:
This "feature" does not appear in any FC SRPM right up the the FC5 development 1.5.0. :-(
Thanks. Why would Redhat do this? They're all still in the Gaim 1.5.0 source code and in the gaim-1.5.0 RPM from Mandriva on my home system, and as you said they're still in Fedora - why would they remove them from RHEL4 all of a sudden?
On Fri, 2005-08-26 at 13:39 +1000, Tim Edwards wrote:
Philip Wyett wrote:
This "feature" does not appear in any FC SRPM right up the the FC5 development 1.5.0. :-(
Thanks. Why would Redhat do this? They're all still in the Gaim 1.5.0 source code and in the gaim-1.5.0 RPM from Mandriva on my home system, and as you said they're still in Fedora - why would they remove them from RHEL4 all of a sudden?
I would be hesitant to start guessing the reasons behind the change.
The thing that annoys me is the replacement icons look horrible (of low quality), if they were going to replace them with a custom set that were of high quality I could maybe understand.
Also, the half a job and experimentation in the enterprise is just not on. Time to think about my upcoming RHEL subscription renewals if they think they can do this as the norm!
On Fri, 2005-08-26 at 06:34 +0100, Philip Wyett wrote:
I would be hesitant to start guessing the reasons behind the change.
A bugzilla entry might result in an at least an explanation, if not a further consideration of the move.
Bryan J. Smith wrote:
On Fri, 2005-08-26 at 06:34 +0100, Philip Wyett wrote:
I would be hesitant to start guessing the reasons behind the change.
A bugzilla entry might result in an at least an explanation, if not a further consideration of the move.
Indeed, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=166823 unfortunately they weren't particularly informative :(