I have been using statically linked skype for a while, but found it uncofortable to install it in contraversion of rpm db, so I decided to package it. You can get nosrc.rpm here:
You can rebuild it in usual way, like that:
Install rpmbuild (if it's not installed yet): sudo yum install rpmbuild
As an ordinary user, not root, create a directory tree based on ~/rpmbuild: cd mkdir -p rpmbuild/{BUILD,RPMS,SOURCES,SPECS,SRPMS} echo '%_topdir %(echo $HOME)/rpmbuild' > .rpmmacros
Download and install nosrc.rpm: cd ~/rpmbuild/SRPMS wget rpm -i skype-
Download and install non-distributable* tarball: cd ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES wget
Rebuild binary rpm package: cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS rpmbuild -bb skype.spec
* Actually, skype is _redistributable_, pld-linux ships it on it's spins, but as far I understood it is somewhat problematic to come to agreement with Skype.
P.S: spec file is loosely based on pld-linux implementation