I'm intending to do some version control, hence looking for some plugins. Geany and geany-plugins packages in Rpmforge seem to be out of sync:
Name : geany-plugins Arch : i386 Version : 0.18 Release : 1.el5.rf
Name : geany Arch : i386 Version : 0.19.1 Release : 1.el5.rf
When both are installed, geany claims that plugins are not "binary-compatible". Frank's own hosted geany RPM (http://www.melvilletheatre.com/articles/el5/geany-0.19.1-1.i386.rpm) is even newer, but no geany-plugins there. Any chance for this to be repackaged? Or, some quick & dirty workaround? Thank you very much in advance!
I'm intending to do some version control, hence looking for some plugins. Geany and geany-plugins packages in Rpmforge seem to be out of sync:
Any chance for this to be repackaged? Or, some quick & dirty workaround? Thank you very much in advance!
Eduardo Grosclaude
As rpmforge is a 3rd party repository with its own mailinglist you should directly communicate with them.
On Nov 1, 2010, at 7:52 AM, Eduardo Grosclaude wrote:
Any chance for this to be repackaged? Or, some quick & dirty workaround? Thank you very much in advance!
the appropriate list is users@lists.rpmforge.net :)
as for the geany-plugins package, it's already updated in SVN but not yet built. grab the spec from here and build it yourself as a workaround:
-- If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction. - Fabian, Twelfth Night, III,v PGP 8477B706 (A92A 1F7E 6D76 16A0 BFF9 E61D AD54 0251 8477 B706)
On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Steve Huff shuff@vecna.org wrote:
as for the geany-plugins package, it's already updated in SVN but not yet built. grab the spec from here and build it yourself as a workaround:
Thank you very much! Problem solved with your tip!