I'm running a CentOS 4 and smartd fails to start on boot
the centos 4 smartd service doesn't support scsi ?
I'm running a CentOS 4 and smartd fails to start on boot
the centos 4 smartd service doesn't support scsi ?
It depends the scsi disk/controller you're using : for example on an IBM xSeries server with ServeRAID controller smartd complaints about not being able to register the device (Bad IEC (SMART) mode). Of course on such hardware, i always install the serveraid manager program to monitor disks and not smartd ...
****************************************** * Fabian Arrotin - http://www.arrfab.net * ******************************************
Fabian Arrotin wrote:
Of course on such
hardware, i always install the serveraid manager program to monitor disks and not smartd ...
Do you mean this java monstrosity or is there anything "smarter" available by now?
That's more than annoying, why can't this sucking driver report via /proc so you could monitor disks with your favourite monitoring program.
Do you mean this java monstrosity or is there anything "smarter" available by now?
That's more than annoying, why can't this sucking driver report via /proc so you could monitor disks with your favourite monitoring program.
Yep, i meant the serveraid manager agent ... reporting to an IBM director server .... If you only have a limited number of machines and you don't want to setup the full java base Serveraid manager you can still just use cli (located on the serveraid manager cd) : depending on the controller version you have you can use either ipssend , hrconf or arcconf tool. For such solutions i just write a little bash script that query the controller/disk status and crontab it ...
On 11/28/06, Ralph Angenendt ra+centos@br-online.de wrote:
Fabian Arrotin wrote:
Of course on such
hardware, i always install the serveraid manager program to monitor disks and not smartd ...
Do you mean this java monstrosity or is there anything "smarter" available by now?
If your using Dell hardware (i.e. perc RAID controllers and SCSI disks), you can use background patrol read and smart alerts:
Thanks, - Ryan