still searching but didn't find very precise answers yet, is there a computer-aided musical creation -oriented flavor of CentOS (like the Ubuntu Studio)? Or would it be about gathering stuff from different repos and setting up everything by hand?
A repository that would provide low-latency kernel (realtime one?): I've found the CentOS-RT from the CERN + (1)). Specific tools (from Jack/qjackctl, carla, audacity .. to the DAW), I've found stuff on different repositories.
On a CentOS7 box I could setup jackd, audacity/lmms (from the sources) and reaper (ardour from nux depo is way to old), I know what to use at end-user software but would like to find a CentOS variant/repo where software is recent (sometimes critical for audio devices).
Any advice?
(1) https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux_for_r...
On 08/10/2019 00:18, wwp wrote:
still searching but didn't find very precise answers yet, is there a computer-aided musical creation -oriented flavor of CentOS (like the Ubuntu Studio)? Or would it be about gathering stuff from different repos and setting up everything by hand?
A repository that would provide low-latency kernel (realtime one?): I've found the CentOS-RT from the CERN + (1)). Specific tools (from Jack/qjackctl, carla, audacity .. to the DAW), I've found stuff on different repositories.
On a CentOS7 box I could setup jackd, audacity/lmms (from the sources) and reaper (ardour from nux depo is way to old), I know what to use at end-user software but would like to find a CentOS variant/repo where software is recent (sometimes critical for audio devices).
Any advice?
(1) https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux_for_r...
I followed more or less what you described here some time ago so I built some pkgs in a personal copr for this (probably not up2date anymore, but what I have there still works for my needs) See this blog post (as an example, also with links to copr repo etc) : https://arrfab.net/posts/2017/Jan/05/music-recording-on-centos-7-daw/
I'll keep that machine running CentOS 7 and I'll (slowly, time permitting) consider doing the same kind of copr repo for CentOS 8 , hopefully one day
Hello Fabian,
On Tue, 8 Oct 2019 07:41:37 +0200 Fabian Arrotin arrfab@centos.org wrote:
On 08/10/2019 00:18, wwp wrote:
still searching but didn't find very precise answers yet, is there a computer-aided musical creation -oriented flavor of CentOS (like the Ubuntu Studio)? Or would it be about gathering stuff from different repos and setting up everything by hand?
A repository that would provide low-latency kernel (realtime one?): I've found the CentOS-RT from the CERN + (1)). Specific tools (from Jack/qjackctl, carla, audacity .. to the DAW), I've found stuff on different repositories.
On a CentOS7 box I could setup jackd, audacity/lmms (from the sources) and reaper (ardour from nux depo is way to old), I know what to use at end-user software but would like to find a CentOS variant/repo where software is recent (sometimes critical for audio devices).
Any advice?
(1) https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux_for_r...
I followed more or less what you described here some time ago so I built some pkgs in a personal copr for this (probably not up2date anymore, but what I have there still works for my needs) See this blog post (as an example, also with links to copr repo etc) : https://arrfab.net/posts/2017/Jan/05/music-recording-on-centos-7-daw/
I'll keep that machine running CentOS 7 and I'll (slowly, time permitting) consider doing the same kind of copr repo for CentOS 8 ,
*That* is interesting! Thanks a lot for sharing, I think this can be a good basis for my own use. I prefer from far this, compared to an ubuntuization of my environment (not that it isn't good, but I've got CentOS everywhere here, simplifies maintenance since I'm happy w/ it).
My own Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 audio interface is well recognized by the 4.9.75-204.el7.centos.x86_64 kernel (I'm stuck w/ this version because of other hardware issues), I feel lucky!
Q: you didn't opt for a low-latency kernel, did you?
Q: you didn't consider adding audacity to this copr? Maybe you don't use it. Not that it's complicated to build, but the 2.3.x versions bring interesting fixes compared to the 2.1.x from EPEL (I compiled it from the sources) - including fixes for the UI and stability issues.
Q: I noticed 3 fails at https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/arrfab/DAW-7/packages/, should I care?