Ok, I have Googled this and either I am not asking the right way or I just can't see what's in front of me (sorry)...
We have log files called app.2011-10-119.log (with the date changing every day). The log is created by the application each day at midnight. I have logrotate set to rotate files ending in .log at 4am, with copytruncate on by default. If I list the files I see all the old app.2011-10-<X>.log files with a 0 file size. If I turn off copytruncate, the current days log file will be removed everyday at 4am.
How can I satisfy both the need to remove yesterday's log file while keeping the current day?
Here is the logrotate file:
/var/log/app/*.log { daily rotate 10 compress missingok notifempty create 0644 user user }
I added notifempty to keep the old empty log files from being compressed...
Thanks, John
John Kennedy
On 10/19/2011 05:14 AM, John Kennedy wrote:
How can I satisfy both the need to remove yesterday's log file while keeping the current day?
I perfectly understand your problem. "copytruncate" is not your friend here so, taking "copytruncate" out of the picture, I really don't see a quick fix as logrotate doesn't provide a facility to work on files OLDER than X days. If there was such an option, you could tell it to rotate all the *.log files from the previous day (move them & compress, not copy them) without affecting your current day log.
Possible workarounds:
1) Modify your app if you can so that it stops creating new files daily. Something like app.log.
Use the "copytruncate" & "dateext" (along with your other options) in the logrotate configuration so that every day the file is COPIED & COMPRESSED to app.log.20111119.gz. That way your file is truncated everyday and you'll have nicely compressed historical archives (with the date appended) which you can keep for X days depending on your "rotate X" value.
2) get creative with the "prerotate" and "postrate" options of logrotate.
3) if your app is smart enough to create a log daily perhaps you could tell it to compress the previous file and get rid of logrotate for that.
HTH, Jorge
I’m probably missing something here...
On Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 6:14 PM, John Kennedy wrote:
Ok, I have Googled this and either I am not asking the right way or I just can't see what's in front of me (sorry)...
We have log files called app.2011-10-119.log (with the date changing every day). The log is created by the application each day at midnight. I have logrotate set to rotate files ending in .log at 4am, with copytruncate on by default. If I list the files I see all the old app.2011-10-<X>.log files with a 0 file size. If I turn off copytruncate, the current days log file will be removed everyday at 4am.
You mean current day’s? And by “current day’s”, you mean the logs after midnight up to 4 a.m.?
How can I satisfy both the need to remove yesterday's log file while keeping the current day?
Why not run your logrotate just right after midnight? (Instead of at 4 a.m.)
Here is the logrotate file:
/var/log/app/*.log { daily rotate 10 compress missingok notifempty create 0644 user user }
I added notifempty to keep the old empty log files from being compressed...
Or, forget about logrotate and simply run a script right after midnight with something like the ff:
rm app.`date --date="yesterday" +%Y-%m-%d`.log
Thanks, John
John Kennedy
-- - Edo - mailto:ml2edwin@gmail.com “Do not hold back good from those to whom it is owing, when it happens to be in the power of your hand to do [it].”—Proverbs 3:27