This is my fist time posting to a mailing list.
For the past few days I have been trying to mimic my former windows workstation with a centos 6.3 workstation at work. I have gotten really far but am now facing an issue I cant seem to solve on my own.
My former workstation had vmware for running my virtual machines. Most of the time I would run just two virtual machines, but sometimes more, and each virtual machine would have access to one of my hosts network interfaces. I have two, one connected by cable to the corporate lan and one wireless interface connected to an access point which gives me and my colleagues direct access to the internet.
After having read some documentations I decided upon using "macvtap" in VEPA mode for my guest virtual machines. This, to me, seem to be the most clean solution without having to create bridges, this way when I start a virtual machine the macvtap interface is created automatically. Plus I have read that NetworkManager does not play nicely (yet) with bridge interfaces and the virtual machines are accessible from their connected network environments.
This did not work at first because I had not yet put my physical network interface in to promiscuous mode. Was I wrong in expecting this to be done automatically? Since my macvtap interface requires this to work "properly"?
After having set the corporate lan network interface, in to promiscuous mode my virtual machine received an IP address and all was well.
However this did not work for my wlan interface after having done the same. It too was set in to promiscuous mode but the virtual machine is not receiving an ip address from the DHCP server, which is the access point. I changed the network settings on the virtual machine from DHCP to manual but that too did not work: no network communication.
Does macvtap not work with wlan interfaces? Or am I doing something wrong.
I am using centos 6.3, with kvm, libvirt and virt-manager, have not used any none standard repository for installation or updates.
Regards, Darod Zyree