I try to create own patch for kernel, and I look in process of generation binary rpm file. As I can see, for creation binary package, rpmbuild doesn't uses any set of patches and doesn't uses file of original (vanilla) version of kernel. Instead it, I see some xz archive of compressed tree of kernel probably with all changes (linux-3.10.0-514.el7.tar.xz). How and where I can find process of creation of this archive and to see separately all set of patches? I want to remove some changes and add own.
Many thanks to all, who have such info and can give link on process or link on documentations of process of creation of this archive.
best regards, Andrei
On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 6:03 AM, Staazul info@upwork.link wrote:
I try to create own patch for kernel, and I look in process of generation binary rpm file. As I can see, for creation binary package, rpmbuild doesn't uses any set of patches and doesn't uses file of original (vanilla) version of kernel. Instead it, I see some xz archive of compressed tree of kernel probably with all changes (linux-3.10.0-514.el7.tar.xz). How and where I can find process of creation of this archive and to see separately all set of patches? I want to remove some changes and add own.
Many thanks to all, who have such info and can give link on process or link on documentations of process of creation of this archive.
The individual kernel patches are available to RHEL subscribers. No public access though.
Do you really need to see them to create your patches? Can't you just look at the code and figure out the changes you'd like to make?
Am 25.11.2016 um 15:03 schrieb Staazul:
I try to create own patch for kernel, and I look in process of generation binary rpm file. As I can see, for creation binary package, rpmbuild doesn't uses any set of patches and doesn't uses file of original (vanilla) version of kernel. Instead it, I see some xz archive of compressed tree of kernel probably with all changes (linux-3.10.0-514.el7.tar.xz). How and where I can find process of creation of this archive and to see separately all set of patches? I want to remove some changes and add own.
Many thanks to all, who have such info and can give link on process or link on documentations of process of creation of this archive.
best regards, Andrei
You cannot easily bisect the kernel tarball provided. Some time ago Red Hat had dediced to use this way of prividing the sources of their kernel because well knowns had started an aggressive business to hijack RHEL customers.
See i.e. https://linux.slashdot.org/story/11/03/04/1550231/red-hat-stops-shipping-ker...
On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 9:13 AM, Alexander Dalloz ad+lists@uni-x.org wrote:
Am 25.11.2016 um 15:03 schrieb Staazul:
I try to create own patch for kernel, and I look in process of generation binary rpm file. As I can see, for creation binary package, rpmbuild doesn't uses any set of patches and doesn't uses file of original (vanilla) version of kernel. Instead it, I see some xz archive of compressed tree of kernel probably with all changes (linux-3.10.0-514.el7.tar.xz). How and where I can find process of creation of this archive and to see separately all set of patches? I want to remove some changes and add own.
Many thanks to all, who have such info and can give link on process or link on documentations of process of creation of this archive.
best regards, Andrei
You cannot easily bisect the kernel tarball provided. Some time ago Red Hat had dediced to use this way of prividing the sources of their kernel because well knowns had started an aggressive business to hijack RHEL customers.
See i.e. https://linux.slashdot.org/story/11/03/04/1550231/red-hat-stops-shipping-ker...
That article is not quite accurate. As I noted in my earlier post, the patches are available. As a RHEL subscriber, I can see and search them:
I would be surprised if no one at Oracle can afford to pay for an entitlement. ;)