This is not CentOS specific but I hope someone here knows so I do not have to subscribe to another list.
I'm using php DOMDocument to create an XSL that needs a non-breaking space between two values.
$xslvalueof = $dom->createElement('xsl:value-of'); $xslvalueof->setAttribute('select', '../@month'); $caption->appendChild($xslvalueof); $nbsp = $dom->createTextNode(' '); $caption->appendChild($nbsp); $xslvalueof = $dom->createElement('xsl:value-of'); $xslvalueof->setAttribute('select', '../@year'); $caption->appendChild($xslvalueof);
That's what I am trying to do.
createTextNode() however tries to protect the users, and automatically turns any & into &
So I tried
$nbsp = $dom->createEntityReference('#160');
That however gives a dom error, it seems createEntityReference only works with named entities.
$nbsp = $dom->createEntityReference('nbsp');
works, but then I would have to modify the DTD for both XSL and the target XML because neither have nbsp defined.
How can I create the literal string ' ' using DOMDocument as a text node between two other nodes?
This is driving me nuts.
I could I suppose put it inside a span
  = $dom->createElement('span', ' ');
That works but is hackish. It seems to work though by generating the actual UTF8 character itself.
I really wish the XML spec itself had named entities for the various whitespace characters that tend to get eaten by XML parsers if not done as a numbered entity. Ah well.
Using   works just fine when the XSL is a text file. It is dynamically creating it via DOMDocument where I have a problem.
Thanks for any suggestions.