On Mon, October 27, 2014 03:57, Patrick Bervoets wrote:
Op 23-10-14 om 18:00 schreef James B. Byrne:
At the moment none I guess. The message is that the client cannot find a driver. I have virtio-win-0.1-74.iso and virtio-win-0.1-81.iso on the hypervisor host. How do I get the driver from there into the guest? Does the client have access to the hypervisor's file-systems? Do I mount the ISO as a cd-rom in the guest? How is that done? In virt-manager? Is there a document somewhere that I can get an idea on how this is supposed to work?
I don't know if help is still needed.
Trust me. I am always in need of help.
You can mount the iso via virt-manager if you have (or create) a virt-storage-pool.
If you can reboot the client you could edit /etc/libvirt/qemu/virtclientname.xml and add <disk type='file' device='cdrom'> <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/> <source file='/opt/isos/virtio-win-0.1-81.iso'/> <target dev='hdc' bus='ide'/> <readonly/> <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='1' target='0' unit='0'/> to <devices>
(if your client already has more than 2 drives attached, change target dev hdc to hdd or ...)
You can switch your storages to virtio too, I did it in the past but fail to find my notes.
They are already virtio.
I think that the steps on this page are correct: http://setdosa.blogspot.be/2013/09/moving-your-windows-guest-from-ide-to.htm...
And, of course, work on a snapshot or at least have a copy of your client.
If you need help to change the driver in Windows I suggest we take this off-list since some are very allergic to Microsoft.
At the moment all I am looking for is how to use the CentOS tools to mount a guest system. So I think that probably falls in the scope of this list. If (when) I get into trouble on the Win side of things then I will take you up on your kind offer.
Per your suggestion I used virt-manager to open the guest and added a hardware device. I selected the option "Select managed or other existing storage", browsed for the virtio-win.iso and set the Device type to IDE CDROM with storage type 'raw'. I started the guest and the new CDROM shows in the hardware list.
I will see how it goes from there.
Thanks again,
On Mon, October 27, 2014 09:08, James B. Byrne wrote:
On Mon, October 27, 2014 03:57, Patrick Bervoets wrote:
(if your client already has more than 2 drives attached, change target dev hdc to hdd or ...)
You can switch your storages to virtio too, I did it in the past but fail to find my notes.
They are already virtio.
No, I was looking at something else. The HDD are IDE. I will check into moving those to virtio as well.
OK. We are golden with respect to getting the network reactivated on the Windows guest. One down, infinity to go. Thanks for the help.
There was one wrinkle in all this. I had to log on to the guest as a local administrator to configure the nic driver. Windows explorer (not IE) reported a server error when I logged in as the domain admin and tried to open the computer management window.
Explorer.exe server execution failed.
And in consequence I could do absolutely nothing until I logged in with a local user profile.
This is apparently due to the fact that Win7 handles roaming user profiles somewhat differently than WinXp. Evidently, if you do not have a network connection to a remote user profile then the OS chokes. Just a heads up for anyone else in this situation.