I have Centos 5 loaded and running virt-manager.
I setup a new instance and the install starts but my X cursor is not aligned with my "arrow" pointer. I am running cygwin X server on my PC.
Also I can not get a new virtual machine installed. I get the machine created and the install is running. When I get to the software selection screen I select the software to be installed and click "Next" and then the process hangs. After a few minutes I get a Python error. "An unhanded exception has occurred. This is most likely a bug" etc. I have saved a copy of the system state to a remote host and will post a bug as requested.
I had checked the install extra package from Centos.. Based on the line "RepoError: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: PackagesfromCentOSExtras" in the state file I restarted the install without checking the box for Centos extra and it ran fine util after the firstboot package was installed. then It crashed again. The suspect line in the state file seems like "IOError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/mnt/sysimage/boot/grub/grub.conf". that one I really don't understand
This is bug 0001928 in the bug tracker
Any ideas on ether of these issues ?