I have a test system that I am using to investigate CentOS-7. I note the following difficulty when booting from the Minimal Install DVD.
Neither on the initial install nor on subsequent attempts at re-installing CentOS-7 can I set the IPv4 interface to a static IP address. I can configure it but I cannot save the changes. The save button remains greyed out.
If fisxed IP Addresses are to bo set up, I usually do it in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-interfacename. This file, on a Centos 7 installation, looks like this:
DEVICE="eth0" ONBOOT=yes NETBOOT=yes NM_CONTROLLED=no UUID="2c15111b-dd3d-4b31-9c5c-e01f13e36242" BOOTPROTO=static #BOOTPROTO=dhcp HWADDR="90:1b:0e:11:f9:28" TYPE=Ethernet NAME="eth0" #IPADDR= IPADDR= #NETMASK= NETMASK= MTU=1450 #GATEWAY= GATEWAY= # IPV6INIT=yes # global scope IPV6ADDR="2002:d45a:ce86::163/64" # site scope IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES="fec0::240:5ff:fe51:d92d/64"
if you do changes in this file, you have to
ifdown interfacename ifup interfacename
in order to activate them.
On 2014-11-05 17:10, James B. Byrne wrote:
I have a test system that I am using to investigate CentOS-7. I note the following difficulty when booting from the Minimal Install DVD.
Neither on the initial install nor on subsequent attempts at re-installing CentOS-7 can I set the IPv4 interface to a static IP address. I can configure it but I cannot save the changes. The save button remains greyed out.