One of our group companies has just 'gone live' on a new laboratory management package. Although the software is M$-based (ie: expects a M$ server at the heart of it), it is running with its core database on a CentOS3 server using Samba for client access - in fact, the developers are amazed at the performance and say it beats a Win2K/2K3 server 'hands down'!!!
Anyway, the old lab management app that I inherited has its database hosted on a Netware 3.12 server and the client app is written in Turbo Pascal including database units compiled with a specific Netware switch and if we try to run the db off the Linux server using Samba we get record lock errors. Unfortuntely, we have no confidence in re-compiling the ancient source code, expecially since the company that developed the database engine is long gone. We need access to the old data for reference and although I am going to attempt to extract it all and do some PHP stuff with it, a Google search turns up two netware emulation packages for Linux - lwared and mars_nwe - so my question is this: has anyone around these here parts used any or both of these apps with CentOS 3 or 4 and if so can I have any useful insight? I suppose the ultimate test would be to try them both but a head start would be aprpeciated.
Thanks as ever,
Nigel Kendrick
On Wed, 2005-07-06 at 22:16 +0100, Nigel kendrick wrote:
search turns up two netware emulation packages for Linux - lwared and mars_nwe - so my question is this: has anyone around these here parts used any or both of these apps with CentOS 3 or 4 and if so can I have any useful insight? I suppose the ultimate test would be to try them both but a head start would be aprpeciated.
I have used mars_nwe under Whitebox 3 (using the kernel-unsuppoted package) ... it works, but is not maintained, requires IPX (not supported under CentOS 4 without custom kernel) and the DOS NW admin tools. If you have a NW 3.12 server you should have the DOS management tools to get it working.
It's not terribly hard to get working with plenty of comments in the config file. We were going to use it to replace a DOS networking solution we were using after SAMBA and MS-CLIENT had stability problems but ended up scrapping both and keeping with what we were using (better the devil you know).
Regards, Paul
Thanks as ever,
Nigel Kendrick
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