Does anyone else have problems with playing video/audio files under firefox with mplayer? Almost everything I try (the latest were some .asf and .wmv clips) craps out under firefox, but if I save to disk and play with mplayer, they work just fine.
CentOS 4.1 with latest updates and the following related to the problem.
mplayer-fonts-1.1-3.0.rf mplayerplug-in-3.11-1.2.el4.rf mplayer-1.0-0.17.pre7.2.el4.rf firefox-1.0.6-1.4.2.centos4
-- Collins Richey Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code ... If you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it. -Brian Kernighan