Hi, Can modifications to /etc/security/limits.conf cause top process to be automatically killed.
First, Here is the contents of the /etc/security/limits.conf
* hard cpu 2 * soft nproc 5 * hard nproc 10 mailnull hard nproc 100
What i have noticed that top process is always killed, But after hacking investigations like monitoring bandwidth, monitoring chatbots, running rkhunter, verifying ps & top binaries i found the server appears clean.
During this monitoring i noticed that always top process automatically killed when TIME+ column shows 1:59.96 and not all top processes are killed at the same time (i am logging via multiple ssh sessions),just the process that get 1:59:96 in the TIME+ column.
Now, are there anyway that i can -as root- do that with myself by previous settings.
thanx for your concern.
On 11/21/06, Abd El-Hameed Ayad hamid@use-trade.com wrote:
Hi, Can modifications to /etc/security/limits.conf cause top process to be automatically killed.
First, Here is the contents of the /etc/security/limits.conf
hard cpu 2
soft nproc 5
hard nproc 10
mailnull hard nproc 100
Your numbers seem VERY low except for mailnull. I would really recommend restricting user groups instead of EVERYTHING. I believe top may be using more resources than you've allowed, and is being killed because of it.
Thank you very much for your concern. I 'll try raising numbers. But, Why i used *? because the server is web hosting server and each user has his own group name. Now, do you have any idea about restricting such situation? Does * mean restrict root also or just all users except root?
Do you know any -simple- guide for limits.conf?
Thank you very much hameed
Jim Perrin wrote:
On 11/21/06, Abd El-Hameed Ayad hamid@use-trade.com wrote:
Hi, Can modifications to /etc/security/limits.conf cause top process to be automatically killed.
First, Here is the contents of the /etc/security/limits.conf
hard cpu 2
soft nproc 5
hard nproc 10
mailnull hard nproc 100
Your numbers seem VERY low except for mailnull. I would really recommend restricting user groups instead of EVERYTHING. I believe top may be using more resources than you've allowed, and is being killed because of it.
On Tue, Nov 21, 2006 at 04:04:13PM +0200, Abd El-Hameed Ayad wrote:
Now, do you have any idea about restricting such situation? Does * mean restrict root also or just all users except root?
* definitively includes root.
Jim Perrin wrote:
On 11/21/06, Abd El-Hameed Ayad hamid@use-trade.com wrote:
Hi, Can modifications to /etc/security/limits.conf cause top process to be automatically killed.
First, Here is the contents of the /etc/security/limits.conf
hard cpu 2
soft nproc 5
hard nproc 10
mailnull hard nproc 100
Your numbers seem VERY low except for mailnull. I would really recommend restricting user groups instead of EVERYTHING. I believe top may be using more resources than you've allowed, and is being killed because of it.
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