If possible, I'd like to do a minimal l CentOS 4.4 (the Single Server CD) installation and then mass upgrade everything to CentOS 5.
I googled and found this URL
Is this recommended? Or will might I run into any problems?
On Mon, 2007-10-15 at 12:01 -0700, Rogelio wrote:
If you plan to run CentOS 5, why not install it directly? If you want a smaller installation medium, you can download the os/<arch>/images/boot.iso ISO image and do a minimal netinstall. You could also use just the first CentOS 5 CD and do a minimal install (disable all software groups).
-- Daniel
Cool, thanks. Just grabbed one of the DVDs from here
and did a minimal install in just a few minutes.
Rogelio wrote:
You didn't disable everything :D
You need to select "Customize Now" (at the package group selection stage) and disable/uncheck everything to get an install from only CD-1.
However, it is not that difficult to just download CD-1 and CD-2 and do the install the way you did it the first time either.