Hello List,
I have a few intel centos 3.9 boxes with perl-5.8.0-94.EL3 installed. This seems like a very early version of 5.8 perl. centos 4.6 has 5.8.1. Would it be sensible to just upgrade to this rpm? I want a stable platform for cgi. I suppose I could just try it, but these boxes are under a form of change control and I think I should ask for advice before going that route. Many thanks for any advice,
Tony Barratt wrote:
Hello List,
I have a few intel centos 3.9 boxes with perl-5.8.0-94.EL3 installed. This seems like a very early version of 5.8 perl. centos 4.6 has 5.8.1. Would it be sensible to just upgrade to this rpm? I want a stable platform for cgi. I suppose I could just try it, but these boxes are under a form of change control and I think I should ask for advice before going that route. Many thanks for any advice,
We get many forms of this question ... the answer really is this:
Determine the difference between an enterprise linux distribution and a cutting edge one.
The issue here is that once the upstream people release a version of their enterprise distro, they will NOT be upgrading any of the major programs to newer versions ... things like perl, apache, python, GNOME, KDE, etc, will be instead backported:
Whether or not backporting works for you in your development process depends on what you are trying to accomplish ... and BTW, the perl in centos-4.6 is 5.8.5 not 5.8.1 (and the perl in CentOS-5 is 5.8.8).
The perl in CentOS-3 will always be 5.8.0, in CentOS-4 will always be 5.8.5, in CentOS-5 will always be 5.8.8.
So, you will need to determine which linux distribution really meets your needs for development ... I would imagine that would be the one you want to create programs for.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes